Berrima Communications Southern Highlands mobster strikes again.

Michael Darby & Vanessa Darby Notorious Sexual Predators Stalkers & Neighbourhood Peeping Tom.. Part of the New Berrima Store family of zionist criminals.
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Berrima Communications Southern Highlands mobster strikes again.

Post by TEMPEST »

Berrima Communications John Darby caught damaging opponents vehicle.

Stalked him at car park first.. waited for him to walk away, then damaged vehicle and stole RMS number plate like the true coward that he is.


Because Michael John Darby couldn't handle being exposed online for:

1) CHEATING behind Vanessa Darby

2) Asking women for head jobs behind their husbands.

3) Having too many radios in the too hard basket, but telling clients they are for spare parts.. well, I guess they are no good for anything else if you don't have the deep level of electronics to fix them :)) Mick tells me he has been in the business for 30 years :)) Go back to your old council job Mick, installing and uninstalling radios in vehicles.

4) Pulling a hand gun in someones face outside on the street.

5) being the biggest coward in the Southern highlands.

6) Mick being 2 faced.. he has said many things behind peoples back.. but is a great mate to their face.. will give you the special bro handshake and tell you your the man, or your my best friend, etc.

7) Mick getting caught out for lying and fabricating stories to discredit old friends that know what a psychopath Michael Darby really is, whenever the truth surfaces.

8) Using his pals from other suburbs to do his evil deeds, on and off the radio.

9) unlicensed business premises, no council approval.

10) Working for cash in the hand, off the books. ATO Tax Cheat and Centrelink cheat.

11) Getting full disability pension for years, while he still works full time in his shed, and on site.

12) Tells everyone that his dog is viscous, when it is totally the opposite...even his wife calls her dog a sook. So he keeps his dog in a little area in the back for years. Never taken his own dog for a walk.. always says his dog doesn't like going for a walk.

13) Has ties to the Russian Mob in Australia, can get you firearms, drugs, involved in dog kidnapping, for his dog fighting pals.
Communist Zionist dictum- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of."
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Berrima Communications malisciously damaging property and vehicle

Post by TEMPEST »

Poor Michael Darby is so upset right now about exposing his sex texting.

He maliciously damaged my vehicle yesterday afternoon in a carpark at Moss Vale.

see here:

Today, Michael John Darby from Berrima Communications, got his puppets from VMG03 picton Repeater to attempt to break and enter my home.
Rocket (Robert) and don't remember the other guy, damaged side gate, and front door damage to frame.

Just look at the cam shake so hard as they are trying to kick the door down to possibly kidnap my dog.

I do remember Mick saying his pals were going to kidnap Pauls dogs only this year, just to piss him off.

Communist Zionist dictum- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of."
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Berrima Communications malisciously damaging property and vehicle

Post by TEMPEST »

Michael John Darby is driving his wife Vanessa Darby to Bowral Public Hospital for work these days. So he can keep an eye on his vehicle, at his place, in case I stoop as low as he did and retaliate.

Don't worry Mick.. I'm not a member of the Synagogue of Satan, like you are.

By the way Mick, I won't stop exposing your criminal deeds, and stalking women that do not want to have sex with you.

The only way you will stop me is by killing me.. of course since your an organized crime lord, you will have others to do it.. as you have shown.

So keep damaging my new home, and maliciously damaging my vehicle... I will not stop, until evil is gone.

Go order a Hit on me now Mr Darby.. like you probably already done, or maybe it can look like suicide or an accident, maybe an overdose.
Communist Zionist dictum- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of."
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Re: Berrima Communications malisciously damaging property and vehicle


:p the only way your gonna stop me is by killing me to Michael. Cars and material items can be replaced. :ymbringiton: Your just a childish sour puss that thinks he is so switched on that he is the smartest person in the world. :-B Just walk in the bathroom Michael and take a long hard look at your self in the mirror, that's if it doesn't break. =))
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Southern Highlands mobster strikes again.

Post by Admin »

Paul, Micks asshole has been ripped apart by a Rhino so to speak :))

He will never recover from this, no matter how much he tries to discredit us.

He thinks he has it bad right now.. he thinks damaging my vehicle and property will get me back :)) but as Paul has said, its only money.

It's only been a few weeks and he is already feeling Karma. it will only get worse for him.

Imagine how Micks life will become in a few years from now.. :o)

Also I doubt Vanessa Darby is going to continue being lied to and cheated on a daily basis for too long. I doubt she wants to lose her job at Bowral Public Hospital for being known as the Mobsters wife. @};-

I'll give Mick an example of what his life is going to be like from now on.

Think of a wound that never heals, because it has maggots in it..
When the wound starts to heal, creating a scab, the maggots eat the dead flesh, so the wound keeps bleeding..
this process keeps going on and on. the wound keeps getting bigger and deeper. :-bd
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