Berrima Communications damage my rear gate

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Berrima Communications damage my rear gate

Post by creampie »

While I drove down the back lane of my property. I noticed the chain on my rear gate had been cut by bolt cutters. As I started to take pictures of it, 4 doors up the lane way at 13 Argyle St New Berrima, also known as Berrima Communications, Vanessa Darby was yelling at me calling me a greasy wog.

I lifted my camera to record her, but she bolted back in her house... Seems like that tells me who damaged my rear gate. No surprise there, since they also damaged my vehicle and home months earlier. As I finished up and decided to drive back out of the back lane, who do you think was waiting for me... none other than the southern highlands sexual predator, drug and firearms dealer Michael Darby, or as some of us like to call him Mr Potato Head, or Humpty Dumpty.

Berrima Communications damage my rear gate.jpg
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