Ampol New Berrima Store Geoff Karen Hanratty valdalising neighbours security camera

Department of Health issues. Food Authority issues. Occupational health and Safety issues. An illegal business kept afloat because of Wingecarribee Shire Council's nepotism.
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Ampol New Berrima Store Geoff Karen Hanratty valdalising neighbours security camera

Post by creampie »

Put a camera up on the side of my house, to monitor the poor dogs water and food, that the Hanratty's fail to fill up often.

Their dogs are not fed daily and their water is not refilled when it is emptied. :o3

Hanratty family won't even clean up their dogs poo..

Their dogs have to lay and walk over their own poo daily. :o3

I have had the RSPCA over many times to deal with the Hanratty's dog and cat neglect.

Geoff and Karen Hanratty extended the fence to 10 feet so I cannot see their dog and cat neglect anymore. :o3

If you see some earlier posts, you will also notice the hanrattys white cat never gets water. it licks condensation from the roof cutters and on vehicle panels, to get its water.

Hanratty's see my posts complaining about no food or water for their cat or dogs and the next day, you see a plastic tray of water sitting there.
but when their cat empties the water container, the Hanratty's never fill it up again, the plastic tray sits there for weeks empty.

The Hanratty's spot the camera I set up to monitor their pet neglect, and decide to take it down. :(|)

Photo 1:
is Geoff Hanratty and Karen Hanratty 1 minute before my security camera got vandalized.
Photo 2:
Shows security camera vandalised 1 minute after I catch Geoff Hanratty and Karen Hanratty looking straight at the camera.

seems its ok for Hanrattys to take security pictures of others...( 5 cameras in their backyard, and 4 out the front on public road and footpath) but when Hanratty's are infront of the lens.. its a no no.

Katie Hanratty messaging me so often on facebook, I had to block her. 3:-O

Geoff Hanratty and Karen Hanratty 1 minute before my security camera got vandalized.jpg
Geoff Hanratty and Karen Hanratty 1 minute before my security camera got vandalized.jpg (369.93 KiB) Viewed 5204 times
security camera vandalised 1 minute after I catch Geoff Hanratty and Karen Hanratty looking straight at the camera.jpg
security camera vandalised 1 minute after I catch Geoff Hanratty and Karen Hanratty looking straight at the camera.jpg (274.53 KiB) Viewed 5204 times
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