Assaulted by Albury Police

The Pedolice of Golburn Police Force. Organized Crime syndicate.. no Honor, no Integrity, no Due Process. Covering up Police Assaults and Gov Corporate crimes. Always targeting Aussie battlers, and never the Zionist Elite Corporations.
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Assaulted by Albury Police

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I was arrested and assaulted by Albury Police, on Saturday 26 October 2016, for creating a blog about their own corruption on the internet.

The arresting officer, one Con Jonathan Minehan, a six and a half foot 30 year old male deliberately bent my wrist to the point where it was about to break, and continued to hold me like that for several minutes, despite my protests that he was hurting me. I am a 53 year old woman, on disability pension for osteoarthritis in all of my joints, and degenerative disc disease in my spine. I was not struggling.

Police threatened to kick down my front door, if I did not allow them to take me into custody, over two emails forwarded to a mediator employed by the Community Justice Centre. Same mediator pushed false charges through Albury Court house on behalf of her personal friends. Illegal action by CJC employee number one. When it was pointed out to her employers that she was doing this, she simply lied and said she knew none of the people involved in had nothing to do with any of it. She was acting unofficially in their matters against me, because it was illegal for her to help them officially.

When the defence evidence had disproven the false allegations, the CJC employee had me unlawfully arrested on a false charge of breach, to have their AVO applications granted without the defence evidence being considered. I was convicted of all three issues, in my absence, after the matters were revoked from the order for mediation when the CJC employee falsely advised the Magistrate that there had been 'an incidence of violence'. I later found out that carried a mandatory prison sentence. Fortunately for myself, I walked out of the court room and court house that day, and they were unable to convict me of that. They convicted me of the false allegation of breach instead, which merely involved writing a letter and delivering to a person who was not protected by the AVO.

I have to be careful about how much I write about the CJC employee. I am out on bail, awaiting the hearing next month. She can have that bail revoked, anytime she takes offence over anything I write about the situation, on the internet. I believe this is deliberate, so that both her and police can have me jailed before the hearing next month, of four other illegal charges her friends bought against me, none of which actually breached the AVO one of them hold against me.

If this woman had not just wasted a year of my life, putting me up on a new false charge everytime I attempted to defend myself from her previous ones, I would have had nothing to write about her on the internet. However, she did that to me, yet if I speak about it in public, I am assaulted and arrested for doing so. While she continues to be employed by the NSW Attorney General's Department, Community Justice Centre, and continues the pervert the course of justice in relation to complaints made against myself, and for how many other people I am unable to say.

Albury Police Station comes under the command of the Southern Highlands. I'll repost an article I was reading on facebook the other night, about corruption at that command, and their total disrespect for women. I guess they are easier to assault than males, so the cowards go after us more often.

Blog about corruption in Albury. This blog is still in its infancy, but I cannot add any more to it until after the hearings next month, or be jailed.
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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I've also just returned from the Albury Local Court, where I attempted to lodge my defence against the four other illegal charges I am facing next month. They stem from alleged breaches of an AVO, however, not one of them were an attempt to contact or approach the protected person. All I did was advise her employers that she was taking false allegations through the Albury Court House, designed to prevent me from contacting them about her illegal behaviours. I was charged for all of those contacts, as breaching the person in question's AVO.

The charges are illegal because Albury Police forgot to serve the final AVO order on me. I was not present in court, when I was convicted in my absence, therefore the AVO has never come into affect, and I cannot be legally charged with breaching it.

Two sets of arrest documentation cites the service of the interim AVO, and which again proves the Final Order was never served. The next two police officers fail to provide a date of service, because they'd become aware that if they did so, their new charge against me was not legal. However, arrest and charge me they did, and now they plan to prosecute me in court for same. The Albury Court House is allowing this to occur, despite being advised by Statutory Declaration lodged at hearing, and at the office.

The court claims I am not allowed to lodge any defence in relation to these matters in advance. I am only allowed to give evidence of my innocence to the Magistrate on the same day that he is planning to illegally convict me, to save the CJC employee from my allegations of misconduct and having perverted the course of justice.

The court also claims that since I cannot afford to supply them with a photocopy of my defence papers, they shouldn't have to photocopy them for me, and once again refuse to accept same.
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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A culture of aggressive policing, cover-up and intimidation is infecting some police local area commands and driving officers to break their oath of duty.

Former officer details claims of cover-ups and aggression
Police investigating two officers. Both deny wrongdoing
Two civilians suing police after arrest

NSW police officers under investigation over claims of aggression and cover-ups

The claims have been made by former NSW police officers, and come as one local area command on the border of NSW and the ACT is plunged into crisis.

Intensive investigations are underway into the actions of officers at the Monaro Local Command at Queanbeyan in NSW's south, after former police officer Lucie Litchfield claimed she was pressured to lie in court and ultimately forced to resign her position due to relentless bullying.

Queanbeyan police are also under the spotlight after an officer drew his weapon and pointed it at the face of a driver who attempted to evade a random breath test.

In both cases, police professional standards officers are investigating.

A year after her resignation from the NSW Police Force, Ms Litchfield is calling for greater attention on what she says is a toxic culture that centres around protecting mates.

"There is still a significant lack of respect for women in policing," Ms Litchfield said.

"There is an old-school mentality in relation to a brotherhood — protect your mates rather than actually reveal the truth.

"I believe that police are becoming a little bit more heavy-handed and getting away with it.

"I can quite openly say that I saw several incidents which were more excessive than they needed to be, which senior officers were also aware of and it never got reported and was never dealt with." ... ok_Organic
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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This blog is about the original 'crime' I committed. I threatened to dob a loud mouth bully in to her employers, for breaching federal regulations which are supposed to prevent her from gossiping about their client's affairs outside the office and work hours. She had been threatening to beat me up, simply because she didn't want me to be in Albury, but since I was here visiting my son, I refused to leave town on her directive.

She is friends with the CJC employee, so they applied for an AVO preventing me from contacting her at her workplace. So the CJC employee got her an AVO, to protect her ability to break federal laws.

I was arrested in an unlawful manner, and framed for a breach, when I wrote to her employer about the AVO application and the gossiping, and delivered the letter to his home address. He didn't live there anymore, so once the employee read in the defence papers that I had done that, she took the copy of the letter to her employer from the defence documents, and had me charged for writing it. So I was arrested by police, for lodging my defence with the local court, hearing the ADVO applications. LMAO.

BDS Huon, taxation accountants in Lavington, have hidden behind her AVO, which restricts me from contacting them about her illegal conduct, by claiming that all contact with their staff, is a breach of her AVO. However, they've already been advised of her crimes, chosen not to terminate her employment, and instead assisted her to have the AVO implemented, by allowing her to have me arrested for writing to them.

I phoned them to advise them that I would take legal action against them, over the arrest, so they had me arrested for phoning them. I gave them a one star rating on google, and a negative review, which was not in breach, as it did not mention the guilty gossiper. They had me arrested for that too, a google review, lol.

Eventually, I made a blog about it all. Their employee posted comments to the blog admitting to have intimidated a witness for the defence, and that the CJC employee had done the same thing to the same person. Their employee made other admissions of guilt on the blog. They had me arrested for writing the blog.

I emailed a link to the blog to her employers, showing her admissions of guilt in public. They had me arrested for emaling them the link.

This has dragged on for 11 months now. The AVO is once again unproven, after I had the conviction of breach which was used to get the AVO awarded without the defence evidence being considered, overturned in the district court.

When I advised police that my defence for the charges of breach will require them to first prove her AVO application was true and appropriate, they arrested me, assaulted me, and advised me to leave town before the hearing of those charges next month, and for the new charge listed for that same day.

This is not the first time the CJC employee has had me charged in an attempt to sabotage or affect the outcome of another hearing. THIS IS ILLEGAL, yet she just keeps on getting away with it.

I'm fed up, and might soon end up in jail, over all of their misconduct.

Its also hilarious that the owners of BDS Huon, in Lavington, have me up on charges for the review which was only two lines at first, and has been edited a few times to give more details after they had me arrested for it, have now taken to slagging myself off on the same platform, and posting untruths there to defend themselves against my complaints. So again, they can throw dirt at me in public on the internet, yet if I mention their name, I am arrested, charged and fined for same.

** I've had to edit this post, because the court has today claimed that her AVO is still in affect, even though it remains unserved and never actually came into affect, and has now extended it. I have removed any reference to her position within the company, so that she cannot be identified by this post. She actually mentioned this forum, and my posts to it, in her application for an extension. **
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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In the meantime, while they have been doing all of this to me, I have progressed a complaint about the actions of management of BDS Huon participating in bringing false charges against me, to protect their own employee who is breaking federal laws, up to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. I have a hearing there next month, where the Tribunal will decide if they are guilty of misconduct themselves.

I've also lodged an appeal in the Federal Court, appealing the decision by the NSW Judicial Commission to not find Magistrate Tony Murray of the Albury Local Court guilty of misconduct, when he tried to convict me of crime which didn't even occur, and then processed the breach allegation instead, and which contained a false statement of facts, written by a lying Albury Cop, as a favour to the CJC employee.

This has all wasted a year of my life. Next month marks one year since the friends of the CJC employee applied for the AVO's to protect her friend from being exposed to her bosses, for her own misconduct. The applicant has never been forced to prove her application. The court is already aware that she has committed purjury both in her application, written supporting statements, and verbally in court. So they ignore the requirement for her to prove her application, because it will instead convict herself of having made false allegations to a court of law.

She originally made the application in a false name. I couldn't work out why at first, but it dawned on me a couple of months ago. She keeps her driver's licence and car registered to a false address in Victoria, to save on registration costs. She could not show photo ID at the Albury Local Court due to that, or she would have been told to take her complaint to a Victorian court house. She showed her birth certificate instead, and then had the name of the paperwork changed later, to the married name she has used for the past 30 years plus. Yet the court has no problem with any of that.

NSW taxpayers should though. Albury Police have conducted a campaign against me for all of this year, trying to drive me out of town, so that the applicants and their friend at the CJC don't ever have to prove their false cases, and false allegations. They have wasted resources on nuisance phone calls, numerous visits to my home, and countless hours of time preparing documentation for the false charges.

All of my appeals at $100 each, have been paid for by the public purse. All of their charges against me, and even the hearings for the false AVO applications, were all met by the tax payer, despite one of the applicants having a full time job. The CJC employee told the court she was in severe personal danger, so the state should meet the costs of that. Danger of being dobbed in for being a blabber mouth, was the only threat ever made towards her. In fact, she'd been the one threatening me with violence, and this was proven in an email she sent to me, shortly before applying for her AVO.

All of the agencies I have complained to, have had to then have their staff find ways to dismiss my complaints. What a crock of shit it has all been, and what a joke employees of the NSW Department of Justice have made of that word - justice.

There has been no justice in these matters, just continuations of perversions of the course of justice, by the justice department itself.
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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Hey, your site got a mention in my latest summons to court, here in corrupt Albury. Where the Magistrates convict innocent people of lies, told to them outside the court room, by corrupt court employees' provided to them by their personal friends seeking to have people convicted of false allegations.
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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It seems Albury Court house enjoys being exposed on the internet as being corrupt. Because while they continue to act corruptly, I will continue to blog about that corruption.


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Rev. Chris Roubis
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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Wow Not Guilty,

Your sister is one piece of work..

She contacted the admin of this forum, just about the time you started posting in here.

She was trying to remove all your posts, saying she is taking you to court and wants every information removed.
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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Hi Chris.

Sorry I didn't see your post before. Yes, she was desperate to save BDS Huon from the bad publicity she was creating for them, and yes, she is a piece of work.

Could you please edit your post to read the BDS Huon employee contacted you, so there is nothing here to identify her relationship to myself. Even though I am not identified here, she will still try to call breach and already has.

I've just had to edit the posts, so that they do not identify her position at the company, and are no longer in 'breach' of her illegal gag order. The gag order was put in place by the corrupt Magistrate here in Albury, one Tony Maggot Murray, who never even read what I had posted to the net. Which is another reason I had chosen to ignore his gag order in the past.

Thanks, and thanks for the platform I used to put pressure on BDS Huon to do the right thing. Unfortunately, they never chose to do so. Which makes them the most corrupt accountants in Albury, and guilty of vast amounts of professional misconduct. But also really quite stupid. They had the chance to end it all in January 2016. They chose to use corrupt police to try to scare me into taking it all off the net, and away from the public eye and continued to rely on the assumption that I would be afraid of police. Also, that continually sending them my rental property would lead to me being evicted, homeless and unable to fight the false charges.

They even managed to get the Administrative Appeal Tribunal to cover up for them. The letter and result I received from that Tribunal, is sheer bullshit and misconduct on it is own.
Last edited by Not Guilty on Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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Obviously I still plan to continue to expose the corruption going on at the Albury Court House, and the corrupt local police at the station there.

I will continue to lodge complaints about all people involved, until something has been done. The cops bashed me on behalf of the court house, when I was going to take their decisions for review in the Federal Court. NSW Justice has had the rules changed, so that I can no longer do that. However, the option remains to take it all to the NSW Supreme Court. I have the application forms, and will be doing just that.

If the BDS Huon wants to continue to plays court house games, I'll continue to play too. In fact, I have to, because the corrupt Maggot Tony Murray, wants to jail me for teasing him in court, in December, and making the audience laugh at him. Actually, he made them laugh at himself, when he committed perjury while sitting on his bench, and then had to admit within minutes that what he'd just said was not true.

So, while I am prevented from mentioning the name of the person who stared all this, on the internet, I am not forbidden to name any of the public servants who acted illegally, to protect her employment at BDS Huon.
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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From: Not Guilty
Sent: Thursday, 30 March 2017
To: Premier
Subject: Re: A1998965 - A Response On Behalf of the Premier of NSW

Dear Mr O'Dea

Please be advised the Mark Speakman was refusing to communicate with me about the issues surrounding corruption at Albury Local Court as organized by his employee, XXXXXX of the CJC, before I wrote to your office.

Be advised that he is still refusing to acknowledge my complaints to his office. Also be advised that his employee is still seeking to have me prosecuted in the Albury Local Court, for lodging complaints about her and police she enlisted to put me on false charges, so that her personal friends could win false allegations they made against me. It is illegal for her to have bought this charge against me. Mark Speakman is very aware that she has done so, and has not asked her to drop the charge, but has allowed her to continue to seek prosecution for it.

I have made application to have the matter heard at an impartial court house, one where she has not already been able to pervert the course of justice against me by way of her friendship and working relationship with the Magistrate, being Tony Murray. He refused to grant the applications for motion, one relating to (CJC EMPLOYEE)'s charge and the other relating to the false charges (CJC EMPLOYEE) had police illegally bring against me on behalf of her personal friends and plans to convict me of all charges, in yet another attempt to exonerate (CJC EMPLOYEE) from true allegations of professional misconduct.

I believe that Mr Speakman is now guilty of corrupt behaviour himself, for allowing this to continue. The NSW Judicial Commission has recently taken away the right to appeal their decisions, when they exonerate a Magistrate they know is guilty of allegations of corruption, to prevent me from taking their decision and those made by Magistrate Tony Murray to be re-examined in the Federal Court. This is not acceptable behaviour, to deny the public a right to appeal, to protect one corrupt Magistrate and who is being directed to act corruptly, by a member of Mr Speakman's own agency, the CJC.

I have threatened many times to take legal action over all of this, but have not acted on that, because I just want this court nightmare to end. However, I will not allow it to end with myself being thrown in jail to satisfy Tony Murray's spiteful nature and desire for revenge, and when I have committed no crimes, but local police and court staff have. Again, all organized by xxxxxx of the CJC.

I have had to appear in court of 20 times last year trying to have these false decisions overturned. I have been assaulted by police on order of (CJC EMPLOYEE), and suffered three months of pain and discomfort from the injuries caused by that assault. I am on disability pension, for spinal disease, yet police thought they had some right to push and pull me, and even try to strangle me with my own scarf. I do believe I will be awarded vast amounts of compensation, if I go ahead with legal action against the NSW justice department.

The CJC's charter requires that they investigate any allegation of misconduct made against one of their employees. Yet when I did so, they refused to acknowledge the complaint, nor to reign (CJC EMPLOYEE) in. In fact, they have supported her in bringing more false charges against me in her attempts to clear her own name. I have been in touch with the mediator standards board about these issues. They assured me that they would direct the CJC to communicate with me and investigate my complaints. The CJC has since refused to do so, as has Mr Speakman's office.

I will be seeking to have the CJC disbanded, if they continue to refuse to dismiss this corrupt employee and rectify all of the corrupt and illegal charges she has bought against me for being in violation of their own charter.

Yours sincerely

Not Guilty
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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Thank you for contacting Minister Speakman via

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Title Miss
First Name Not
Last Name Guilty
Street Address
Suburb West Albury
State NSW
Postcode 2640
Subject Major Lawsuit Coming Your Way

Type of Enquiry comment

Message Con Rowan Weekley, Three Counts of Conspiracy to Bring

The final piece of the puzzle just fell into place when I was looking through one of the defence briefs, for a charge which is the most ridiculous – a google review for the corrupt taxation accountants who were using police, and an unlawfully gained ADVO to protect their corrupt employee, and their own business reputation.

It seems they might have played a bigger part in the awarding of the ADVO than I had first imagined. I guess that’s why they felt entitled to use it themselves.

I’d been looking for a document I’d seen months ago to scan, in which Jon Williams from BDS Huon describes my contact with Kerry Lloyd, from Mason Lloyd Accountants. He states than when Ms Lloyd phoned him about that contact with her company, she told him that she had received something which was pretty damaging to BDS Huon’s reputation.

She was referring to my advice that a staff member at BDS Huon was currently engaged in legal action, at the local corrupt court house, seeking to protect her own ability to continue to gossip about clients’ of BDS Huon’s personal and financial affairs.

I sent that email on 5 February 2016, after arriving home from court. At the short hearing, which was meant to be a trial of the applicant’s allegations, I overheard her telling lies to the Magistrate when I entered the court room. During the hearing, the applicant continually tried to catch the attention of my witness, so that she could smirk and pull faces at him, when he did look at her.

She then went on to complain that she wasn’t happy with the idea of mediation, and was very annoyed that she didn’t get a result that day. Outside the court house, her companion and fellow ‘protected person’, called myself and witness ‘fuckwit’, as we walked passed them.

Jon Williams and Ross Griffin were both aware of her application designed to prevent me from speaking to them about her gossiping, and of her gossiping. Yet they were allowing her to continue with it. An email had been sent to BDS Huon advising them of that court date, and that Mr Williams was required to appear in court for the hearing of the allegation of breach, that of writing to him advising that she was about to make a fool of them all in the local court. Williams failed to appear on the day, and after reading the defence statements in relation to the allegation of breach, the Magistrate did not even bother mentioning Constable Weekley’s false charge, unlawful arrest and illegal recording of my voice, at all in the court room.

So in response to BDS Huon’s unprofessional and questionable conduct, I advised this other accountant what was going on.

Jon Williams gave a copy of it to their staff member on her next working day, being 8 February 2016, and appear to have advised her to go to the police.

By 15 February 2016, matters had been revoked from mediation due to Magistrate Murray having been informed that an incidence of violence had occurred.

When I was tricked into attending court on that day, I walked out once I realized I was facing a criminal charge, without even knowing what it was, and had prepared no defence for. I’d attended court that day, thinking it was for mediation.

The hearing had to be postponed for two weeks, while I was summoned again. Once again, I was not given any idea of what the charge was.

At that hearing, I was convicted of Con Weekley’s first unlawful arrest in my absence, caused by illness, even though it should never have been heard in court.

His evidence was inadmissible, due to having illegally recorded our interview without having another officer present, he constantly fiddled with the recording device, and certainly did not inform me that I was about to participate in a formal interview in relation to being charged for writing to Jon Williams. He also wrote in his statement of facts that I confessed to the crime, when I did not.

So it appears that it was indeed Con Weekley who made the false allegation of an incidence of violence to the court.

Not surprising, when his first contact with me was an obvious frame job, and he acted unlawfully to pull it off. When the court ignored his attempt to bring false allegation on that occassion, before an impartial Magistrate, he bought it before the corrupt Tony Murray instead. Before him, he finally gained the conviction he had set out to obtain, and triggered the granting of two ADVO applications, which had just been disproven by evidence.

Is Constable Rowan Weekley, the most corrupt police officer at the Albury police station? Or just good friends with Jon Williams or the court mediator? All three I would guess.

I’ll be taking this matter up with the new Police Commissioner next week, and seeking compensation from the NSW Police force, for this, and the assault by Con Jonathan Minehan, Sheridan Mifsud and Sgt Stephen Bosch/Quiring.

Also notice that Con Weekley did not record the offence at the time, and all of the statements relating to it were made in August and September. Yet I was formally charged for that offence on 5 May.

Two police officers, having to make an arrest, fill out all the paperwork and interview witnesses, over BDS Huon’s competitor’s being advised that they were not protecting their client’s private information. Yet it was their employee who was breaking the law, they should have just had her charged, and been done with it all.

The NSW taxpayers, were forced to pay for damage control for BDS Huon Taxation Accountants. And continue to do so. I’ll be approaching the Inspector General of Taxation again this year. One of his staff members had stated last year, that if the owners of that company had been making false statements to police, they would have to be investigated for professional misconduct.

Ross Griffin lied to police about the reason for my phone call to him. I wonder if they put pressure on Weekley, to lie to the Magistrate for them about this incident, since it was ‘pretty damaging’ for them.

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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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The transcript displayed on the page at the link below, shows the Magistrate at the Albury Local Court, committing pujery, while sitting on his bench.

I'd made application for a change in venue, due to the employee of the Community Justice Centre having had the ability to control all of the matters before the court against me, even the Magistrate's decisions and actions.

In fact, she personally arranged for all of those false police charges to be bought against me, when I lodged defence evidence which shot down her two personal friends false allegations against me, as civil matters. No crimes had occurred at the outset, and no real crimes occurred after wards. The phone calls, emails, etc, I was later charged with, were all attempts to sort these matters out, outside of a court room.

So Magistrate Murray didn't want to grant a change in venue, for any of the matters against me. They'd be laughed out of any court in Australia. So he tried to lie and say the woman didn't even work at the court house, and that he'd never heard of her. When I continued to assert that she had listed herself as an employee of the court house, in her own charge against me, he finally had to admit that he had been lying. He did disqualify himself, from hearing her charge against me, but plans to rig the result by making sure he appoints the Magistrate who does hear that charge.

He also refuses to grant motion for the matters involving BDS Huon, taxation accountants, based in Lavington, Albury. To avoid the assertion that the same employee of the CJC is tied up in those matters, he tries to claim that she is not going to be called as a witness, therefore has nothing to do with them. However, a week before she arranged to personally bring another false charge against me, I had sent her an email advising that I would be advising police that I would be wanting to cross examine her, in one of those matters. She is mentioned in the evidence, as having been directed by the person who has been threatening this site to remove any posts about her employers, to go and threaten one of the witnesses for the defence.

Magistrate Murray does not accept that the threatening a witness for the defence, by an employee of the court house and justice department, to further assist the personal friends she had been illegally assisting to bring false allegations against me, is not an issue. I beg to differ.

My applications for motion were officially denied on 6 April 2017. Back to the appeals court for me.

https://alburypolicecorruptionblog.word ... his-bench/

Magistrate Anthony Murray has a reputation for being corrupt which is actually legendary. I think he is quite proud of it, and has no intention of correcting her own behaviour any time soon. Put him together with Superintendent Evan Quarmby, of NSW Police, and you have a very dangerous situation. Two out of control assholes, thinking they can jail anyone who stands up to their bullshit.
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Re: Assaulted by Albury Police

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Its been almost six months, since I was unlawfully arrested by Albury police, illegally detained and illegally search, and illegally assaulted.

Yet not one government employee has looked into that matter. Except for Magistrate Murray, who continues to attempt to try to jail me over it.

https://alburypolicecorruptionblog.word ... urt-house/

It is also 15 months since an officer of the Albury police, being Constable Rowan Weekley, was sent to my home to frame me for a breach of an ADVO which was awaiting hearing, but had been defeated by the defence evidence lodged in relation to that hearing. That allegation of breach, and conviction handed down in my absence by Magistrate Murray, was used as an excuse to grant the ADVO without the defence evidence being considered. Because it had been applied for, by a friend of a the court employed mediator.

Again, not one investigation by any government employee into what Weekley did, and not one attempt made to overturn the injustice he triggered, has occurred. The injustices have escalated, and continued, in their attempts to cover up for him, because any investigation into his actions would have let them right back to the court house, and the same corrupt CJC employee.

https://alburypolicecorruptionblog.word ... urt-house/
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