Vitamin B17 Is Banned Because It Cures Cancer!

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Rev. Chris Roubis
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Vitamin B17 Is Banned Because It Cures Cancer!

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

Vitamin B17 Is Banned Because It Cures Cancer!

The Food and Drug Administration, American Cancer Society, and American Medical Association have stopped people from writing books, engaging in public meetings, and shooting documentaries on the anticancer properties of vitamin B17.

Physicians who tried to save the lives of their cancer patients through the application of theories based on vitamin B17, were prosecuted.

But one woman decided to take her life into her own hands, so she tried to cure her cancer with vitamin B17. As soon as she started taking this vitamin, her cancer went into remission.

However, her cancer returned when she stopped with the administration of this vitamin, which is in fact a concentrated form of apricot kernels. If we take it in the proper amount, it is extremely beneficial for our health.

The woman avoided chemotherapy, and continued with vitamin B17.

She was taking 500mg twice a day, and in a period of 10 weeks, she destroyed her 5 malignant tumors, and was completely free from cancer.

Her doctors were shocked.

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