Councillors Nick Campbell-Jones and Malcolm Murray

Defying Defamation for exposing the zionist criminals in Wingecarribee Shire Council. All articles have been copied and pasted from social media pages without permission.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Councillors Nick Campbell-Jones and Malcolm Murray

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

In the Southern Highlands, it doesn't matter who we vote into power, there's a bunch of criminals working in the background that make sure corrupt developers are given preferential treatment.

The corruption is supported by the equally corrupt Southern Highland News, the radio station 2ST, a swathe of council senior management, and a bunch of dodgy former councillors – including Nick Campbell-Jones and Malcolm Murray.

I've got all the evidence, and I've tried numerous times to make complaints to the local police, but they've been "got at" by the very criminal elements that run this town.

What the corrupt local police have done – is collude with a well known criminal, Charlie Johns, in having me charged with stalking and intimidation. What a fucking joke!

I've attempted on a number of occasions to report Johns's corruption to the local constabulary, but they don't want to know about it. They reckon the offences can't be investigated by Hume LAC because they don't fall under their jurisdiction.

But the moment I confront Charlie Johns about his corruption, in writing and in person, he calls upon his "mates" in the local police force to have me charged with serious offences based on lies and fabricated evidence.

I had the audacity to call him out as a criminal who should be prosecuted, and then, Hey, presto, I'm the one in the dock before the local magistrate.

But that's because I'm getting awfully close to lifting the lid on this whole debacle.

Over the last few months, I've challenged current and former councillors about their corruption, and not ONCE have I ever been disproved.

Not once.

The criminals are telling anyone and everyone who'll listen, that I'm a crackpot, a nutcase, a crazy person. But that's par for the course for people of questionable character. They simply have to destroy the whistleblower, no matter what.

And so now I'm the victim of a smear campaign – I'm being defamed by the very people we elected into local government.

I'm also up on very serious criminal charges laid by a police force that's been bought and paid for – years ago ...
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