Southern Highlands Police corruption

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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Southern Highlands Police corruption

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

Attn: Superintendant Schilt,

I’m about to release a damning video documentary exposing three of your officers for long-term corruption, including details of the conspiracy by the following officers to have me falsely convicted of a crime I didn’t commit

Inspector John Klepczerack

Senior Sergeant Matthew McCarthy

Senior Constable Susan Devlin

I’ve submitted numerous complaints about these corrupt officers, but instead of undertaking a thorough and independent investigation of my grievances, your local command whitewashed my complaints, and there was a major cover-up.

It’s totally inappropriate that Sergeant McCarthy handle the matter below, and I call on you, the most senior officer at Southern Highlands Police, to assign an independent officer to investigate, someone other than the officers listed above, and preferably someone from outside the district.

The reason that Sergeant McCarthy is attempting to handle this matter himself, is because he doesn’t want other (legitimate) officers to interact with me, knowing full well I’ll scream blue murder about bent coppers and the fact I was stitched up by a common criminal on fabricated charges with the full support of the officers listed above.

I’m in conflict with Matthew McCarthy, and that conflict means he should not be handling any alleged allegations against me. He’s a corrupt police officer.

I just want to also say that this matter will never end, and I’ll continue using my remarkable skills at documentary making and satire to expose your officers, and indeed, your command, for long-term entrenched corruption.

I’ll do this for the rest of my life, if necessary. But it will never end – up until the time internal police authorities properly investigate the aforementioned officers with an independent inquiry.

I’m happy to be interviewed about the matter below by John Donlon, a long-term Bowral resident, and someone I’ve been reliably informed is free of corruption.

Can you please personally respond to this email. The allegations I’ll be making in the documentary I’m about to release, and documentaries in the future, are very serious charges of police corruption, and they need to be addressed by the commander of Hume District Command.

Should you not personally respond to my email within 48 hours, I’ll be posting this correspondence to my Facebook page, Defying Defamation, while also forwarding it to all major media outlets, and dozens of journalists I’m constantly in contact with.


Adam Greenwood
Ph: 0409 871 763

On 26 Nov 2019, at 6:42 am, Matthew K Mccarthy <[email protected]> wrote:


Police at the Southern Highlands Police Station would like to speak with you regarding 'possesin of a knife in a public place'. As a result of this knife being confiscated from you it has generated an investigation by police attached to a Sydney Command.

Following Sheriffs Officers taking the knife an investigation as to why you were in possesion of a knife and/or why you attempted to introduce a knife into a court facilities. I am advised that police have been awaiting your attendance in Sydney folowing the confiscation however this hasn't occured.

I am happy to assist you if you would like. Either call into the station and/or reply by email with sufficient information so as to address your reasons for the possesion.

I am working today should you wish to call in.


A/Inspector Matthew McCARTHY | Southern Highlands | The Hume Police District
New South Wales Police Force
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 02 48697899 / 66899| Fax: 02 48697811 / 66911
| 67 Elizabeth Street Moss Vale, NSW 2576.
 Please consider the environment before printing your emails and attachments 

-----Forwarded by Matthew K Mccarthy/28813/Staff/NSWPolice on 26/11/2019 6:03 -----
To: Matthew K Mccarthy/28813/Staff/NSWPolice@NSWPolice
From: Alexa Henderson/41657/Staff/NSWPolice
Date: 26/11/2019 4:09
Subject: Adam GREENWOOD [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]
Hi Sir

I have a job to interview Adam GREENWOOD created by Sydney City Police in relation to a lockable folding knife sherifs found in a camera bag of GREENWOOD's when he attended court in Sydney a few months ago. Sheriffs called police, police seized the knife and contacted GREENWOOD about collecting the knife and supplying a reason for it's possesion he kept saying he would attend but never did. Hence the job to interview him about it.

I am aware that you have spoken with Adam GREENWOOD in the past, can you assist please.

Alexa Henderson
Senior Constable
Southern Highlands Police Station | The Hume Police District
67 Elizabeth Street Moss vale NSW 2577
Ph: 02 48697899 | EN Ph: 66899
Fax: 02 48697811 | EN Fax: 66811
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