new berrima store on Sunday night the shop smelt like old work socks

Department of Health issues. Food Authority issues. Occupational health and Safety issues. An illegal business kept afloat because of Wingecarribee Shire Council's nepotism.
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Rev. Chris Roubis
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new berrima store on Sunday night the shop smelt like old work socks

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

Kevin Griegg shared his first post.
New Member · 19 hrs

As a new berima local im disgusted in the food i got from the new berrima store on Sunday night the shop smelt like old work socks and the service i recieved when i dared to complain.

Not to mention the overnight DVD selection is 4 years out of date. I saw the movie daddy’s home for rent for $5 per night. Who in there right mind would hire that movie for $5 a night when you can buy it from coles in mossy for $8 and own it for ever??

Atrocious if you ask me.
Regards Kev
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Rev. Chris Roubis
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Re: new berrima store on Sunday night the shop smelt like old work socks

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

Amy Van Essen
Amy and 200 others joined Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community!
I worked there and they treat staff like absolute crap

Chris Roland
You and 3 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia.
Have you seen the new lighting they put up recently outside the shop.. it blinds everyone of how ugly the place looks... on a serious note, it is actually illegal to blind drivers... their lights point away from the shop vertically onto the road and across the other side of the street.

Chris Roland
You and 3 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia.
I assume they are trying to attract the traffic on Taylor Avenue.. with those un-approved lights pointing at the horizon.
I am a Spartan by blood.. Biblical tribes Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtal, Thessalonians, Manasseh etc... were Aegean Greek semite tribes. ^:)^ You know your vibration is high when animals & children are naturally drawn to you.
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Get your free fuel

Post by toni »

Actually the blinding lighting they installed, that was illegally approved by wingecarribee council (nepotism) is there to help their security cameras view vehicle number plates better at night in the winter.

Because this zionist family and friends are all about greed.. they have signage on the petrol bowser, that asks everyone to move their vehicle after they fill up. =)) in order for another client to pull up and fill up, in a quick fashion, since they only have one bowser.

So their greed, has resulted in some people forgetting to pay, when they jump in the car and drive off.

They cannot call the Police since its the system they put in place, they order their clients to drive off, after they fill up.. =))

The Store has security cameras, but they have no way of knowing who pays for fuel and who doesn't, when it gets busy.

You can go fill up your vehicle, go park your car, then enter the store, and buy a loaf of bread on a busy hour, and all you will pay is for the bread :ympeace: the staff is non the wiser. I know many who have gotten free fuel, because of the store's system.

The secret is to pick a busy hour. If you see a few cars parked illegally in the middle of the road, or waiting to fill up, its the perfect time to get free fuel. \:D/

Because New Berrima is the asshole of Southern Highlands, (thanks to the New Berrima Store Hanratty family, extended family and Kin etc.) the minimum time for Cops to arrive is usually 4 to 6 hours...most of the time they will arrive the next day instead... it is not a first priority for them to catch someone getting free fuel. Police will tell them to contact their insurance company anyway.

There is a good reason why Berrima wanted to disassociate themselves from New Berrima years ago... hence the name New Berrima.. which really isnt anything new...just trying to vamp up a sinful filthy dirty immoral area that is run by zionist criminals... that terrorize anyone who speaks up about them. Wingecarribee Council and Southern Highlands Moss Vale Police are behind them, covering up their crimes.
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