Truck Driver inbreds

Boral Cement / Blue Circle poisoning the Environment since 1870's
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Truck Driver inbreds

Post by Kenny »

I managed to catch the tail end of a conversation by Michael john Darby on Ch.6 UHF CB radio.
Corner of Taylor Avenue and Argyle street New Berrima, opposite Boral Cement Plant.

Michael telling some cb radio operators how low life inbred truck drivers are, just because they were talking on his silent repeater... that no one ever talks on.. :)) don't do what I do, do what I say. :ymdevil:

This is coming from a CB Radio Repeater owner who has illegally behaved many times in the past. Even his repeater has been erected in an illegal Vertel location by a criminal employee that he is pals with, that also ran stolen equipment, at many locations.. :ymdevil: [email protected]
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