Mick calls Truck Drivers inbreds

Michael Darby & Vanessa Darby Notorious Sexual Predators Stalkers & Neighbourhood Peeping Tom.. Part of the New Berrima Store family of zionist criminals.
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Mick calls Truck Drivers inbreds

Post by Kenny »

I managed to catch the tail end of a conversation by Michael john Darby on Ch.6 UHF CB radio.
Corner of Taylor Avenue and Argyle street New Berrima, opposite Boral Cement Plant.
http://www.southernhighlandsnsw.org/Mic ... 0Darby.mp3
Michael telling some cb radio operators how low life inbred truck drivers are, just because they were talking on his silent repeater... don't do what I do, do what I say. :ymdevil:

This is coming from a CB Radio Repeater owner who has illegally behaved many times in the past. Even his repeater has been erected in an illegal Vertel.com.au location by a criminal employee that also ran stolen equipment, at many locations.. :ymdevil: [email protected]

He even runs many illegal high powered radios and some illegal 300W to 500w linear amplifiers.. to drop carriers over other operators.. the pot calling the kettle black :ymdevil:

But do not worry ACMA.com.au will not do anything about it, because they are also part of the same Yiddish tribe as Michael John Darby
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Re: Truck Driver inbreds

Post by mitch »

CB radio is not a monopoly, like some of the low life repeater owners and high powered users like to think... especially ch 6 and ch. 7
If ACMA https://www.acma.gov.au/radiocommunications-licences had any idea as to what goes on with these channels, they would of shut them down long ago... but then again ACMA is just another corrupt paper tiger of the criminal Government... plenty complain with no result.

Even Traffic Controllers for Council Road Repairs etc. are all using UHF CB radio channels for their business communications... it's illegal, but Government don't care.
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