The Commander, Hume District Police Division

Defying Defamation for exposing the zionist criminals in Wingecarribee Shire Council. All articles have been copied and pasted from social media pages without permission.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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The Commander, Hume District Police Division

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

The Commander,
Hume District Police Division,
274 Sloane St,
Goulburn. NSW. 2580.
Dear Superintendent,
I’m writing an open letter in the public domain to complain about corrupt senior officers in your police division.
For nearly three years, the corrupt officers have been part of a criminal conspiracy that has attempted to shut me down as a journalist and whistleblower.
In mid 2018, I uncovered evidence of corruption by a senior constable at Hume, and when I told the constable that I would be going public with my allegations (with evidence), I was framed for a crime I didn’t commit, and a fraudulent AVO was taken out against me.
I’ve been complaining about this illegal conduct by police for more than 2 years, and there’s been 3 failed investigations in to my complaints – THAT WERE ALL SET UP TO FAIL!
I’ve asked NSW Police officials dozens of times to conduct an independent investigation into my complaints, but each investigation undertaken was internal, and it was carried out by the very officers I was complaining about. It’s no wonder the investigations all failed to expose the police corruption, the investigators were the crooked cops themselves.
The previous commander of the division received numerous complaints from me about the corruption, and he was responsible for initiating two of the investigations that were set up to fail. That superintendent has since been transferred to another division, and I genuinely believe he asked to be transferred knowing full well the officers I was accusing of corruption were indeed corrupt, and that any attempt by him to fix the problem would open a Pandora’s Box of long-term entrenched corruption at Hume District Police Division.
On Thursday, 4 February, 2021, two officers attached to the Southern Highlands Police Station attended my place of employment. They approached the manager of the establishment and said, “We’re making enquiries about Adam Greenwood and an AVO”. The sole purpose of the visit by police was to menace and intimidate my employer into “letting me go” as an employee, and they did this because of recent allegations I’d made about corrupt officers at the Hume District Police Division. It was revenge for me speaking out about police corruption, something I’ve been complaining about for years.
The officers who attended my workplace committed a number of offences – abuse of power, harassment, and stalking and intimidation.
I call upon you to stop the police harassment and intimidation of myself and anyone known to me, and I’d like to lodge an official complaint with you, the Commander of the Division.
I also call upon you to initiate an investigation by the Professional Standards Division of the NSW Police Force. Anything less than a full inquiry by external officers would be holding our community in contempt.
If the officers in your command I’ve accused of being crooks are not actually corrupt, then they will have no problem with the Professional Standards Division undertaking a full and comprehensive inquiry into their conduct and behaviour.
But I can assure you, those officers will do everything in their power to stop an external investigation of that nature – knowing full well they’ll be exposed for long-term entrenched corruption.
As I’ve said to you in private correspondence (which you chose to ignore), I will not rest until the bent coppers in your division are charged, convicted and sent to jail.
Their criminal behaviour is a slap in the face for all honest and law abiding officers who make up the NSW Police Force.
On behalf of our community, I call upon you to represent the best interests of all the officers in your command, while putting an end to the local racket that has been protecting corrupt police for decades.
Adam Greenwood
Ph: 0409 871 763
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