Dirty Cop Charlie Johns is dead

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Dirty Cop Charlie Johns is dead

Post by Admin »

The Crookedest of Dirty Cops
To all the people in the Highlands who think I should be showing more respect for a dead Charlie Johns, let me say that Charlie Johns never showed me any respect when he was alive.
He set out to destroy my life, and he very nearly succeeded.
As far as I’m concerned, he deserves what he’s got coming to him.
When Charlie Johns was in the land of the living, he was a two-bit conman, and nothing more.
He stole for a living, and he got away with it for decades.
Whenever anyone threatened this racketeer with exposure, he did everything in his power to discredit his accuser, and he went out of his way to destroy their lives.
He was a bully and a thug.
Charlie Johns was also one of the Bowral Mafia, so he had absolute protection from bent coppers at the Hume District Police Division.
When I say absolute, I mean he had the dirty cops at his bidding, something that’s been going on in the Highlands for years.
In 2018 when I confronted Johns with overwhelming evidence of his long-term corruption, he didn’t address my allegations with honesty and integrity. There was no transparency.
He called the police and had me charged for a crime I didn’t commit based on false and misleading statements.
And to stop me from confronting him further about his long-term corruption, he had the dirty cops slap me with a fraudulent AVO.
Charlie Johns and I weren’t neighbours who’d come to blows because of a disagreement regarding a dividing wall.
We weren’t partners who’d fallen out over the collapse of a business and were now threatening each other with physical harm.
We weren’t relatives literally fighting over a will with threats and intimidation.
I, Adam Greenwood, was an investigative journalist who’d uncovered long-term corruption perpetrated by Charlie Johns.
And Charlie Johns was the crook who’d committed the crimes I alleged he committed.
It was an open and shut case.
But because Charlie had the dirty cops on board, they were able to
shut me up with fabricated charges and fraudulent convictions.
In the end I had no option but to release a parody song about the police corruption called The Shady Bunch.
The hilarious YouTube piss-take was online for 9 months before the police abused their power.
I was threatened with further charges (if I didn’t take the “offending material” down).
I was threatened by dirty cops who were part of the same police division that incorporates the Goulburn Police Academy.
I’ll repeat that in case anybody missed it.
The NSW police division that includes the police academy, is a police division that has experienced long-term corruption in the ranks.
And it still goes on to this day.
What type of message is that giving the cadets who pass through the academy to become fully fledged officers.
Charlie Johns has conveniently dropped dead, so the truth about the corrupt Hume District Police Division may finally rear its ugly head.
I’m certainly not going to stop banging on about it.
But I say that with a note of warning.
The crooked cops may yet try to stitch me up on further charges.
They’ve done it before, and in all likelihood, they’ll do it again.
Pray for me, people of the Highlands.
And if I go silent for an extended period of time, there’s every chance I’ll be incarcerated in the Supermax, Goulburn.
That’s where they lock up people who blow the whistle on crooked cops.
And terrorists.
To my dear family and friends, please check in with me from time to time to make sure my voice hasn’t been muzzled once again.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Re: Dirty Cop Charlie Johns is dead

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

Wow! The Southern Highland News hasn't pulled any punches on their front page this week. The editor, Jackie Meyers, has hit the nail on the head in describing Charles Frederick Johns.
Charlie, as his crooked mates liked to call him, was a low-life thief, and at every opportunity he stole from our community – with the full support of a corrupt council and a bent police division.
You've only got to ask the long-term councillor, Larry Whipper.
For years, Charlie Johns went after Whipper with bullying and intimidation, constantly attacking Larry and doing everything in his power to destroy Larry's political career. Another time, and in conjunction with one of the crooked councillors, Johns conducted a witch-hunt against John Uliana that lasted the 4 years Clr Uliana was on council.
Four-years of constant bullying and intimidation of an elected official, but nothing ever happened, and that's because Charlie Johns had the protection of local bent coppers.
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