Reptilians & The Hollow Earth

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Reptilians & The Hollow Earth

Post by TEMPEST »

Reptilians & The Hollow Earth

Published on Dec 28, 2015

Stewart Swerdlow talks about reptilian race which lives underground and first came here over 800,000 years ago. This information was imparted to him during the 13 years he served as an experimental subject in a government-sponsored mind control project in Montauk.

Among the details Swerdlow shared about the Reptilians: They originated in the Draco star system, and arrived in our solar system via hollowed-out asteroids. They colonized a Pacific content called Lemuria and later battled with the Atlanteans. Both Lemuria and Altanis continents are now submerged inside ocean. Eventually they formed a hybrid race with the Atlanteans. It is from this group that the Illuminati or ruling families descended. -News, Podcast, Videos, Etc.

Communist Zionist dictum- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of."
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