AUSPOST New Berrima sewer rats washing away their filth on neighbours again

Most Corrupt Council in NSW Australia... supporting their Zionist families and friends... they all cover each others backside...all the way up to the Federal Government.
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Rev. Chris Roubis
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AUSPOST New Berrima sewer rats washing away their filth on neighbours again

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

AUSPOST New Berrima sewer rats washing away their filth on neighbours again.

Whats the point of Wingecarribee Shire Council giving these Hanratty sewer rats a bio hazard yellow bin for oil and fuel spills, when Geoff Hanratty continues to wash away his filth onto the neighbours again and again.

ScumRatty's will be accountable as always :-bd

Geoff Hanratty thinks people will turn a blind eye to his dilapidated ruined neglected store that is flea, bird mite, and mold infested... if he makes the driveway look clean. :(|)

Those stains are so deep, not even a high pressure water blaster can take them out.. =))
but the surface ones get pushed onto the neighbours driveways

I just dont get them.. they are worried about their driveway stains, but their crumbling dwelling is ok to run a business in?
You guys think the front is bad, go walk around the back lane and look at the missing roof, gutters and walls. =))
Geoff has put up a shipping container to try and cover it.

Any other suburb in NSW, the Council would not allow Hanrattys to continue running their business or serve food in their falling apart store.


I am a Spartan by blood.. Biblical tribes Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtal, Thessalonians, Manasseh etc... were Aegean Greek semite tribes. ^:)^ You know your vibration is high when animals & children are naturally drawn to you.
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