low-life piece of shit Michael Steven Smith

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low-life piece of shit Michael Steven Smith

Post by SteveW »

Shout out to the low-life piece of shit (Michael Steven Smith) who did this to my partners car... Every dog has his day, remember that.

Shane Mac Mahon You don't mess with another man's vehicle.
· Reply · 7m
Wayne Newsome
Wayne Newsome
Wayne and 56 others joined Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community!
Exactly right Shane! Spot on mate. If you got a problem bad enough with someone then just go toe to toe with them and go your seperate ways afterwards, if words fail. Just another example of a man without honour or a pair between his legs. The Dog did it through the night like a sneaky coward.

· Reply · 5m
Wayne Newsome
Wayne Newsome
Wayne and 56 others joined Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community!
The best part? He left the paint tin behind, with fingerprints clearly visible lol
Shout out to the low-life piece of shit Michael Steven Smith.jpg
Shout out to the low-life piece of shit Michael Steven Smith.jpg (118.71 KiB) Viewed 6257 times
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