Albury Police Assaults and False Convictions

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Albury Police Assaults and False Convictions

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Albury Police Assaults and False Convictions.

Caped Crusader
Published on Aug 31, 2018
Music by The Dead Kennedys, Government Flu

This is Albury police corruption at its finest. I'd been in hiding from police for many months by this time, because they wanted to jail me to stop me from being able to defend their false charges against me.

Finally I had to renew my driver's licence and register my address with the NSW Government. Three weeks later, Snr Con Mark Clifford was at my door, on the pretext of delivering court documents, which had already been served via email, to check that I really did live at that address.

Once that was established, back he came ready to set me up for another false charge, and attempt to take me into custody so the cops could assault me again.

He tore the security screen off the window, just as I stopped filming, and started to unlawfully enter my home. I did manage to scare him to back out, just by walking towards him saying 'get out of here'.

But he managed to grab my arm. The female on the right also grabbed hold of it, and together they pulled me out of the flat.

The fact I have degenerative disc disease, and a spine that is falling apart, and arthritis in my joints, meant nothing to them.

Once they had me out the window, after threatening to drop me on my face if I continued to struggle against their assault, they put me on my feet and handcuffed me.

While putting me in the police car, the female officer told the third one involved, that she would say that I tried to punch her in the face, stating 'that will be enough to keep her overnight'.

So their pretended reason for being able to take me to the station, further assault me and degrade me by keeping me in the cells overnight, then became an actual criminal charge.

Instead, when they told that story at the ER room, they were able to have me committed to a psyche ward, based on that same lie.

What they really wanted to do, was to scare me into not defending four of their impending false charges against me, at hearing, or their unlawful conduct and false evidence might have to be questioned. Not that the Magistrate they have in their pockets would have noticed any of that, on their behalf.

So they did manage to make me miss that hearing, and gained conviction by way of their actions in this video. I was fined, including costs, about $560 for this assault, and by way of unlawful entry into my home, and over $2,000 for their other false charges.

All over a 'family' argument, which had nothing to do with police because no criminal actions were occurring, but because of some of those family member's had connections to this corrupt police force and corrupt star chamber. Police are who escalated and inflamed everything further, until that whole family was destroyed.
Government is Organized Crime. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. UCC 1-308
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