Defying Defamation for exposing the zionist criminals in Wingecarribee Shire Council. All articles have been copied and pasted from social media pages without permission.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »


Long before Charlie Johns was working in conjunction with the local police to have me convicted for a serious crime (based on fabricated evidence), I was calling out Johns in the public domain for corruption.

In 2016, I was calling him out as a crook loud and clear.

It certainly rattled him at the time. The (attached) threat of defamation by Johns is full of legal waffle and mumbo jumbo, and it contains lots of passive aggressive dialogue. But Charlie had no intention of suing me. He just wanted to shut me up.

Nothing came of the letter, of course. At the time, I didn’t have enough evidence to back up my allegations of his criminality, even though everyone knew he was a dirty rotten thief.

But now I’ve got loads of evidence.

In the lead up to the 2016 Wingecarribee Shire elections, Charlie Johns – in association with other criminal elements trying to take control of the council – sent an anonymous letter to all the advertisers of the investigative journal, LattéLife (there’s a copy of the letter is in Comments below). The poison pen letter threatened the advertisers of LattéLife with all sorts of trouble and strife, if they (were to) continue advertising with the “gutter publication”. It was all based on Charlie Johns’s assertions that the publishers of LattéLife, Jane and Cristian King, were basically just crooks and racketeers.

The Kings took the letter to the police and asked that they open an investigation into the matter. The writing of a threatening letter (like this) constitutes a very serious offence, and such malicious and defamatory accusations against the Kings could see their business and livelihoods severely affected.

The LattéLife publishers also had a number one suspect, Charles Frederick Johns.

Charlie was already well known for writing poison pen letters. In 2013, Councillor Jim Mauger complained to the local police that Johns had sent the councillor a poison pen letter threatening him all sorts of harm, if he didn’t start voting in line with corrupt councillors.

Charlie Johns must have forgotten he sent Jim the anonymous mail threatening the councillor’s livelihood and reputation, because a few months later, Johns sent the councillor a regular everyday letter (that was personally signed by Charlie). When Jim Mauger placed both letters side-by-side in front of the investigating officer, Senior Constable Susan Devlin, even she had to admit that it looked like both letters were written by the same person.

Unfortunately for Jim and the community, Charlie Johns had been paying off coppers at Hume Lac/Bowral Police for years, and Sue Devlin just happened to be one of the bent coppers in his pocket. So in the end, Devlin never initiated an investigation about the 2013 poison pen letter campaign against Councillor Mauger, even though Johns was the main suspect, and even though this was his modus operandi.

When the Kings went to the police in 2016 about their own poison pen letter campaign that was instigated by Charlie Johns, the same crooked coppers were in charge, and so once again, there was no investigation. The Kings were forced to undertake a private prosecution, one in which they criminally sued Charles Frederick Johns for using the mail service to threaten and intimidate a person. The Kings filed 17 very serious federal charges against the accused, Charlie.

In the poison pen letter to advertisers, Johns alluded to the fact that Jane King was once a bankrupt. The only reason Charlie knew this – his crooked lawyer, Malcolm Murray, looked up the information concerning Jane’s bankruptcy on the ASIC website. Only lawyers are allowed to have access to such private information, and when Murray visited the ASIC webpage concerning bankruptcy, the details of his visit were recorded. It’s a very serious offence for Murray to have abused his position as a solicitor. He accessed the information about Jane King illegally, and he should be disbarred as a solicitor (and that’s just to start with).

Obviously Charlie Johns didn’t think sending a poison pen letter to the advertisers would be enough; in attempting to close down the publication prior to the 2016 elections. (Charlie and his crooked mates were extremely worried LattéLife would print all sorts of negative stories about him and his cohorts, thereby affecting the outcome of the election). So as an added precaution, Johns purchased the name LattéLife Southern Highlands, and then threatened the Kings with all sorts of legal strife if they persisted in using the name (especially for the up-and-coming special election edition). The Kings had forgotten to renew the original title of the paper with ASIC (after it had expired), and when Johns found out about this, he quickly purchased the business name. The Kings simply changed the name to LattéLife Wingecarribee, and the election edition went ahead.

While all this is happening, I went and created the front page of a parody newspaper and proceeded to call out Charlie Johns as a criminal. That’s how he came to write the letter to me (attached).

The threat of defamation basically speaks for itself, showcasing Johns as a bully, and someone who is very good at intimidating people until he gets what he wants.

Part of his complaint about my allegations is as follows, (Johns) has an arsenal of dirty tricks at his disposal.

Well, going by recent events, Charlie has the local police division at his disposal. A few months back, Johns conspired with Senior Constable Sue Devlin in having me convicted on trumped charges of stalking and intimidation (using fabricated evidence). You might remember Sue Devlin as the same investigating officer who let Johns off scot free in 2013 for sending poison pen letters to a sitting councillor, Jim Mauger. It certainly stinks to buggery, but as Senior Sergeant Matt McCarthy told me personally, it’s just a “circumstance of coincidences”.

One other aspect of the letter (attached) is Johns’s denial of bullying and intimidating the children of LattéLife staffers. I actually saw it happen, and I also heard first hand reports on the day of Johns doing exactly that – threatening minors.

The overall letter is typical Charlie Johns speak. “If you don’t stop speaking out against me, if you don’t stop calling me a criminal, I’m going to crush you in the courts.”

And he’s been making threats like this to people for over two decades.

It’s about time Charlie Johns went to jail for all his crimes against the community.

If anyone has any information concerning the corruption of Charles Frederick Johns, please call me on 0409 871 763 or email [email protected]

I guarantee anonymity for any whistleblowers.

PS Please note the similarities between the LattéLife poison pen letter (in the Comments below), and the letter that’s been sent to me (attached). Notice the constant use of the ampersand (&) and the similar language and style that’s unique to Charlie Johns. I engaged an expert linguist in Australia to study both letters and tell me if they were written by the same person. The expert confirmed the letters were written by the same person. The expert has since directed me to ALIAS – Automated Linguistic Identification and Assessment System, an automated method that determines the authorship of written text. It’s so exact and precise, the system is accepted as part of expert testimony in American court cases. This will once and for all – officially – confirm that Charlie Johns is nothing but a common criminal, breaking the law with ease, while knowing full well he has the support of the local police division.
CHARLIE JOHNS CAUGHT OUT FOR CORRUPTION.jpg (276.15 KiB) Viewed 4948 times
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

This is the poison pen letter Charlie Johns sent to all the advertisers of LattéLife newspaper in 2016, in the lead up to the local elections. The anonymous letter threatens to boycott any business that continues to advertise with LattéLife, and makes all these outrageous and defamatory allegations against the publishers, Jane and Cristian King.
Latte Life boycott by Charlie Johns.jpg
Latte Life boycott by Charlie Johns.jpg (473.62 KiB) Viewed 4947 times
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