Charlie Johns – Notorious Criminal and Petty Thief.

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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Charlie Johns – Notorious Criminal and Petty Thief.

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

Charlie Johns – Notorious Criminal and Petty Thief.

There’s a story behind the infamous email (attached).

Before the 2012 council elections, a close criminal associate of Charlie Johns approached John Uliana and offered to pay all his election costs.

“We don’t want you vote with us each and every time,” said the criminal, with a wink, wink – nudge, nudge. “But there will be times you HAVE to vote with us, no matter what! Do you want to come on board and have all your election costs covered?”

“No,” replied Uliana, without hesitation.

And from that day forward, Councillor John Uliana was subjected to an illegal witch hunt that attempted to eject him from council. Over a four-year term, Charlie Johns and Nick Campbell-Jones spearheaded constant attacks on Uliana, fabricating complaints about his business and properties, which cost the council millions of dollars for investigations that found absolutely no wrongdoing on Uliana’s part, WHATSOEVER!

I’ve got a 4 year time line of Charlie Johns attacking Uliana from the gallery at scores of council meetings. Johns was relentless in his vilification of Uliana, and along with Campbell-Jones in support, Johns conspired with others to have Uliana sacked as a councillor, including Graham McLaughlin, Terry Oakes-Ash, Peter Nelson, Ian Scandrett, Larry Whipper and others.

Some contents from the email –

“John (Uliana) was never going to vote with us”. This is confirmation from Charlie Johns that Uliana was indeed approached by criminals to come on board and vote with them during the council term 2012 - 2016. In fact, Uliana voted against them on most occasions during his term, which only added to their wrath and hatred. It made them even more determined to have Uliana sacked as a councillor.

“Look what happened with the committees, he was told how to vote”. This is further evidence that Johns was in the habit of telling councillors which way to vote and when. Johns is a common criminal, and for him to be dictating to elected officials on how to vote is a serious undermining for the political system. Johns needs to be sent to jail for such brazen criminality.

“Let’s see what happens when the report on asbestos on the golf course comes up”. This is further proof that Johns fabricated the complaint against Uliana, as part of a vendetta against the councillor because he failed to vote in line with the corrupt bloc.

By far the most damning of all the statements in the email – “Mean while John is the weak link on council”. What Johns means is – there’s a chance the cabal can have Uliana ejected based on Johns’s fabricated complaints and other pressures being experienced by Uliana.

“Maybe there will be a bi-election anyway”. This is further conformation that people closely associated with the criminal, Charlie Johns, are willing to subject the community to a bi-election, just so they can install a candidate of their own. Someone like the crooked Grahame Andrews, who does exactly what he’s told. (Andrews had his 2016 election costs covered by Charlie Johns and his criminal mates).

There’s a very good reason the police don’t want to know about the evidence I have against Charlie Johns and his cohorts. It would expose the Southern Highland Police Division as a corrupt precinct, one that’s been protecting criminals for decades.

There’s a very good reason Jackie Meyers of the Southern Highland News doesn’t report about Adam Greenwood and his attempt to uncover widespread long term corruption in the Highlands. Ms Meyer is in bed with the criminals, and has been for decades. Nick Campbell-Jones really runs the SHN, and along with numerous other crooked real estate agents in the area, the paper is maintained for the sole purpose of selling real estate, and that’s why they never mention the underbelly of corruption that pervades our community.

On numerous occasions over a two year period, I overheard (phone) conversations involving Graeme Day. The local radio identity would be drunk and irate, and he’d rail against all the crooks on council, while not holding back and naming each and everyone. He complained bitterly about their corruption and how there was absolutely nothing that could be done about it. He also leaked a lot of information (he was privy to as part of his job), and when it was made public, the subjects of the leaks were absolutely livid at “the leaker”, and would go on Graeme Day’s show and complain. So that’s how it works. Graeme Day leaks information about certain councillors’ wrongdoings, it gets published, and then Graeme Day invites the councillors on to his radio show to interview them about the leaks. This type of unethical conduct is why Graeme has never interviewed me on air – I’d soon expose him for being a crook like the rest of them. He’s a twenty-year traitor to the community.

There’s lots more documentary evidence to come, especially concerning Charlie Johns, the common denominator of criminals.

Stay tuned …
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