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Post by creampie »

Great example of the Elite Zionist who run our Government and own the Greedy Drug Companies that run the Medical Industry

The NSW Police have hit a new low by descending in an expensive tax-payer-funded operation with a police chopper and confiscated the medical cannabis crop needed to make Mullaways Medical Cannabis Tincture. The medical cannabis crop was a strain of cannabis specifically bred by Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd to be extracted into a medical tincture. Each medical cannabis plant was labelled for specific patients. Through the confiscation of this medical cannabis crop, the NSW Police have deprived many Australians their medicine. It is a form of discrimination against sufferers of chronic illness and pain whom need this medicine – Medical Cannabis.

300 plus chronically ill and dying patients will now be deprived of this indispensible medicine used for the relief of pain and suffering

Many of the patients have been using Mullaways Medical Cannabis Tincture for years and have letters of support from their doctors to use the tincture. Mullaways is the only company in Australia providing medical cannabis. The only other avenue for patients to access medical cannabis is through the Commonwealth Government's Special Access Scheme. This is a long and expensive process as this product is required to be imported from an overseas medical cannabis company and many patients are unable to afford it as it is unavailable on the PBS.

Tony Bower, Managing Director of Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd, says he has maintained clear accountability and transparency in his business. Both State and Federal Governments have been fully aware of Mullaways Medical Cannabis operations for years.

Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd has been open and forthright with all parties, especially the Government. Tony has complied with all government requirements for the past three years to get his company up and running and to get this medicine to the dying and chronically ill people who need it free of charge. Federally approved, where is the Federal intervention?

Director of Mullaways Mr Tony Bower says, “My culture does not allow me to refuse help to people who ask for it and where I know I can help, as it is, and surely should be, in any civilised culture. I could not have been any more honest and open about what I am doing. I know that I can help and even heal people with my medicine, a medicine that doesn't get people stoned. Almost half of Americans now have access to legal medical cannabis now. We need to urgently address the issue here in Australia.”

Tony Bower said “I have worked tirelessly to try to please people in government but continue to be treated with disrespect. The patients need their medicine daily. Does the NSW Department of Health have a plan for the dying and chronically ill medical cannabis patients in this part of country?”

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to stay silent.
Don't let Bullies and Terrorists step all over you.
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