Wingecarribee Councilor Wife Basher

Most Corrupt Council in NSW Australia... supporting their Zionist families and friends... they all cover each others backside...all the way up to the Federal Government.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Wingecarribee Councilor Wife Basher

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

Wingecarribee Councilor Wife Basher

Community members of the Wingecarribee Shire,

One of our prominent zionist elite councillors is a wife basher (see attachment).

He recently represented our shire in his official capacity at the White Ribbon Day, a march against family violence.

The “mystery councillor” is also well known for abusing female councillors during his many years in office. Indeed, he once physically attacked a female councillor in front of a group of other councillors. Even though there were numerous witnesses to the incident, the “mystery councillor” wasn’t charged. The female councillor who was attacked chose not to press charges. She knew she’d be bullied and intimidated for the remainder of her term in office, so she remained silent.

The “mystery councillor” is on record for serious misconduct and long-term corruption, including misleading the council, abuse of power, conspiring to defraud the community, failing to declare major conflicts of interest, and numerous other offences.

Systemic corruption is a crime, and our “mystery councillor” is a criminal.

If anyone in the community can provide further information about this councillor’s illegal conduct and behaviour, please call Adam Greenwood on 0409 871 763.

We all know who this degenerate is.

It’s now time to expose him for rorting our community, and ripping off our shire.

I’d like to welcome all the community members who have recently signed up to my mailing list. Please forward this email (and others) to friends and family in your contacts.

The last thing the "mystery councillor” wants – is for the community to become aware of his long-term corruption. Or that of his crooked crony mates.

Please note – there’s always been rumours the “mystery councillor” abused his first wife. In the last three years, I’ve had three people approach me with information about the abuse, independent of each other. I never asked for the information, it was volunteered. The last person who approached me about the abuse knew about it first hand. One degree of separation.


Adam Greenwood
Ph: 0409 871 763
Wingecarribee Councilor wife basher.jpg
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