Barry Paull the acting GM for Wingecarribee Shire Council on assault

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Rev. Chris Roubis
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Barry Paull the acting GM for Wingecarribee Shire Council on assault

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

Barry Paull the acting GM for Wingecarribee Shire Council just attacked a Journalist this evening.
Journalist assaulted by Wingecaribee Shire Council.jpg
Journalist assaulted by Wingecaribee Shire Council.jpg (112.16 KiB) Viewed 4925 times
Khris Stevens
Yet another reason why they be disband. The meeting was a joke.
Where they late for dinner,?
· Reply · 1 h
Ray Nolan
Shame on you w.s.c , Your not above the law and need to learn you can not go around bullying people and get away with it. Shameful disgusting behaviour and I hope the lady involved is ok. SHAME ON YOU!
· Reply · 10 m
Janene Watkin
Standard behaviour for these councillors close your eyes and make like it didn't happen and now they will deny being there to see it
· Reply · 55 m
Tenielle Louis
Absolutely disgusting behaviour however I would hope that the outage from the public would be the same if it was a male journalist. While I agree with Christian’s comment, I think gender shouldn’t be a factor here. No person (male or female) should be aggressively handled and that senior manager should be held accountable.
· Reply · 53 m
Ed Stanmore
Disappointing to see where the Council has landed after many years, had some good times there in the 90s
· Reply · 1 h
Luke Fox
LattéLife Wingecarribee I wish you guys would write more like this:
"An award-winning local journalist, Madeline Archenza, has today reported that she was pushed and grabbed by the arm while attending council offices. The alleged assault occurred at 6PM. She says the Wingecarribee Shire Council senior manager exhibited an ‘aggressive outburst’, grabbed her arm and pushed her backwards. A member of the public intervened. Councillors Whipper, Nelson, McLaughlin and Mayor Duncan Gair were also present and reportedly made no attempt to stop the attack. A number of other people also witnessed the event. The matter has been reported to the police."
Cristian King's opinion of the event is relevant but his use of the phrase "Any man who assaults a woman is not a man", whilst easy to agree with, is emotive and loaded with personal bias. It does not help anyone. Reporting in an unbiased, reasoned manner actually adds more weight to the facts. There is no need for editorialsation when reporting truthful events.
· Reply · 10 m

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Karen Whitby
A Senior Manager?? Oh wow!! I can only laugh. Karma is a wonderful thing 🤣🤣🤣
· Reply · 1 h
Diane Cosentino
There’s no excuse to bullying, the councillors need to be sacked and as for the one that grabbed the journalist needs prosecution
· Reply · 59 m
Katherine Adams
If I was the one who handed the suspension order I would do it now not wait until a week is up this is disgusting how dare they not help
· Reply · 1 h
Cass Chidiac
That’s disgusting , shame on them
· Reply · 47 m · Edited
Stephen Wentworth
Hopefully the administrator shows the so called manager the door
· Reply · 42 m
Maryann Anderson
Not a very gook look is it hope u r ok and recover
· Reply · 55 m
Jack Flash
Reprehensible, can’t wait for his name to come out once charged.
· Reply · 55 m
Robert Paterson
that's very disturbing 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I hope he is named and shamed....time to move on
· Reply · 47 m
Jack Flash
Whipper, Nelson, McLaughlin and Gair you should be ashamed you gutless group.
· Reply · 54 m
Di Minter
Juliet Arkwright an article I foresee for Arkeup 👍🏻
· Reply · 40 m
Greg Willis
Equality really isn't all it's cracked up to be is it ladies? What is the full story?
· Reply · 1 h
Missy Adams
· Reply · 1 h

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Karen Whitby
Peter Smyth this just keeps getting better 🤣🤣🤣
· Reply · 23 m
I am a Spartan by blood.. Biblical tribes Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtal, Thessalonians, Manasseh etc... were Aegean Greek semite tribes. ^:)^ You know your vibration is high when animals & children are naturally drawn to you.
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