The Rothschilds and the creation of Israel

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The Rothschilds and the creation of Israel

Post by creampie »

The Rothschilds and the creation of Israel

In1836 Rabbi Kalisher approached the Rothschild family to fund the establishment of Israel. They were not interested. The French built the Suez Canal but the Egyptian Pasha was in need of money so they wanted to sell their shares of the Suez Canal. The French wanted to buy all the shares but the Egyptian didn’t want a monopoly. The French wanted to split the British Empire in half by controlling the Canal. British PM Disraeli, a converted Christian from the Jewish faith, was friends with Rothschild and got a loan to buy up the Egyptian shares. He was mindful of what a French controlled Suez could mean to the British Empire.

In 1859 the first oil well was drilled in Titusville, Pennsylvania and construction of the Suez Canal began. In 1869 the Suez Canal was completed. In 1870 John D. Rockefeller formed Standard Oil. In 1873 the Baku oil region was opened for development and the Nobels entered the Russian oil business. In 1882 Edmond de Rothschild (an oil expert) visit Israel.

In 1885 Royal Dutch discovers oil in Sumatra in the East Indies(modern Indonesia) and the Rothschilds enter the Russian oil business. In 1886 the Rothschilds start their own oil company BNITO. In 1888 the Rothschilds establish oil importing/distribution company.

The “Shell” Transport and Trading Company (the quotation marks were part of the legal name) was a British company, founded in 1897 by Marcus Samuel and his brother Samuel Samuel.[3] Initially the Company commissioned eight oil tankers for the purposes of transporting oil.[6]

The origin of the brand name Shell is linked to the origins of The Shell Transport and Trading Company.[10] In 1833, the founder’s father, also Marcus Samuel, founded an import business to sell seashells to London collectors. When collecting seashell specimens in the Caspian Sea area in 1892, the younger Samuel realized there was potential in exporting lamp oil from the region and commissioned the world’s first purpose-built oil tanker, the Murex (Latin for a type of snail shell), to enter this market; by 1907 the company had a fleet. Although for several decades the company had a refinery at Shell Haven on the Thames, there is no evidence of this having provided the name.

With their banking connections the Rothschilds would transport their Russian oil to the Far East and British India. The Rothschilds were major investors in Shell Oil Company. The Suez Canal was crucial to Shell for exporting kerosene oil to Asia e.g. British India.
In 1891 Rothschilds/Samuel oil contract began. In 1892 Samuel’s Shell Oil Murex sails through the Suez Canal. A year later Shell Oil add 10 more tankers to the fleet. In 1893 Alphonse de Rothschild meets with Standard Oil to discuss cartel.

In 1896 Captain Alfred Dreyfus is falsely accused of espionage in France. Theodore Hertzel begins the Zionist campaign to create Israel.

Rothschild also wanted to protect their oil interests but they needed a political and military watchdog over the Suez Canal and the State of Israel was created. They wanted a militant and battle hardened Israel and no pushovers.

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