Wingecarribee Council same road works every year

Most Corrupt Council in NSW Australia... supporting their Zionist families and friends... they all cover each others backside...all the way up to the Federal Government.
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Wingecarribee Council same road works every year

Postby creampie » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:25 am

How is it that the corrupt Wingecarribee Council can keep their family contracting business alive by re-tarring the same roads year after year?

Re-tarring roads should be done minimum once every 5 years, maximum every 10 years... but not here in Wingecarribee corrupt shire.

Moss Vale road does not get damaged, so how come Wingecarribee council keeps re tarring it every year just before Christmas?

It makes perfect sense to keep handing out millions of tax payers money to their family contracting business that does the roads in the area, so their Cayman island bank accounts stay full every year.
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