Satan Worshipping Police Sergeant Suspended

The Pedolice of Golburn Police Force. Organized Crime syndicate.. no Honor, no Integrity, no Due Process. Covering up Police Assaults and Gov Corporate crimes. Always targeting Aussie battlers, and never the Zionist Elite Corporations.
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Satan Worshipping Police Sergeant Suspended

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I was just reading an article on a site from the USA, that a cop has posted a threat to a woman he had never met before, threatening to kill her child. It was part of the racial tension going on there at the moment.

It reminded me of this article from a few months ago, about a cop in Sydney who openly brags that he is a satanist, and who started posting foul comments to an MP, after she had criticized one police action. The NSW police force actually suspended him, as they should. I'm just surprised that they did anything about it though, when they usually allow their 'officers' to run wild, without being held accountable for their actions.

'Satanic' sergeant suspended for posting degrading slurs before Greens MP Jenny Leong harassed

Police officers were posting homophobic and sexually degrading posts on social media before a NSW Police Integrity Commission investigation homed in on the racial and sexist harassment of an MP.

A Sun-Herald investigation can also reveal that one of the ringleaders behind the online trolling of the Greens MP Jenny Leong is an inner-city based sergeant who for years has spouted a string of anti-gay slurs and online comments that objectified and sexually degraded women.

After viewing material linked to his Facebook account on Saturday, the NSW Police released a statement advising it had "acted to immediately suspend" the Central Metropolitan Region officer.

It is now apparent that far from being an isolated, politically motivated online attack, the recent hate campaign against Ms Leong was part of a culture of abuse within certain elements of the force.

Until the sergeant's Facebook page was shut down last week, it was a public window into the private world of a trusted protector of the community.

Harbouring a morbid fascination with the devil, the officer had uploaded numerous satanic images onto his social media feed and was one of nine followers of a Facebook page that shares images of mutilated corpses.

"I love evil and being evil. It's who I am," he said after posting an image of Satan in 2013, adding: "I just love the picture and what it stands for. EVIL".

In 2013 he was engaging in public posts, with another police officer, that depicted women as sexual objects. The comments are too vulgar to publish. In another post last month, the sergeant contributed to a Facebook thread with a derogatory meme which read: "That post was so gay it gave me cancer."

The PIC confirmed on Thursday that its inquiry, Operation Colchester, would probe allegations of "police misconduct" that arose after March 18 when Ms Leong's office had posted a photo on Facebook condemning two officers patrolling a Sydney train with drug detection dogs.

Within hours of that post, the sergeant – who The Sun-Herald has chosen not to name – had fired off a public message on Facebook which read: "Wow Jenny. It was a clear mistake when your father spotted your mother across a crowded swamp and dragged her back to his hut to make you."

A day later, he changed his personal profile picture to an image of the Newtown MP and wrote: "Nawww tank you hunny, 2 dollar sucky sucky lub you long time."

Not only did the photo attract 45 likes, it became the platform for reams of vulgar posts, many from fellow police colleagues spurred to push the boundaries even further.

Another officer, from the same inner city station, re-posted the sergeant's image of Ms Leong with the text: "One condom could have prevented this from happening". The meme was liked by at least four other police personnel – including a senior manager.

As the police trolling went viral, officers rejoiced in the harassment, with one stating: "She is still copping a smashing – love it!'

The sergeant, meanwhile, labelled the savage bullying "champagne comedy", adding: "It's the best thing I've seen in ages."

The Greens' Justice spokesman David Shoebridge said it was clear a "lot more more training" was required, across the workforce, around personal use of social media.

"Police are perfectly entitled to private lives outside of work," he said. "But when they are appointed to the office of constable, they are handed extraordinary powers. With those powers comes a great deal of social responsibility."

The suspended police sergeant dressed in satanic costume (at the link). ... o7kyj.html
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Re: Satan Worshipping Police Sergeant Suspended

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This article is from two years ago. I wonder what the statistics are for last year?

THERE are 437 serving police officers with criminal convictions, that is one in every 40 officers. (NSW)

It is an incredible increase of 230 per cent over the past five years.

Among the ranks is an inspector convicted of assaulting an off-duty ­officer and drink-driving while other offences include bashing, drink-driving, fraud, illegal use of guns and other ­driving offences.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal that the 437 officers have 591 convictions against them. That is 256 per cent more than 2008 when, according to freedom of information figures, there were 166 offences between 133 serving officers.

Among them are 14 inspectors, five senior sergeants, 80 sergeants, 236 ­senior constables, 20 probationary ­constables and 13 student officers. ... 6805446823
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Re: Satan Worshipping Police Sergeant Suspended

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Corruption purge probe set to shed light on bitter New South Wales police in-fighting
By Deborah Cornwall
22 Jan 2015

NSW Police in uniform

Explosive revelations about a bitter dispute between the most senior police in New South Wales are set to be aired in a public inquiry which gets underway next week.

The row began 16 years ago when more than 100 police were targeted in a series of controversial internal affairs corruption investigations.

It was meant to be a secret corruption purge, a final clean out of the force following the devastating police corruption inquiries of the 1990s.

But critics say that the police investigators themselves so wildly abused their powers, it unleashed a police war of such epic proportions that successive State Governments have been determined to effectively bury it.

Critics say police investigators deliberately went after many honest police and destroyed their careers on evidence they knew was false.

Only a handful of police were ultimately convicted.

"The internal politics within the New South Wales Police Force is some of the most brutal politics you will see anywhere in the country," New South Wales Greens MP David Shoebridge said.

"It makes the politics of the New South Wales Parliament or the Federal Parliament look like child's play.

"These people have the tools at hand with the listening devices, investigation powers, criminal prosecutions, to absolutely destroy their rivals within the New South Wales Police Force.

"How those powers have been exercised, and on the face of it, abused, is a matter that is going to be very much at the centre of this enquiry."

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Re: Satan Worshipping Police Sergeant Suspended

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ICAC - Refusing to Investigate their Own Buddies

Which is always the case anytime you lodge a complaint with them, the Ombudsman or the Police Integrity Commission. They are just there to take tax payers money for their salaries, while covering up for the very things they are employed to investigate. I call them all 'worse than dole bludgers' when I write to them. At least a 'dole bludger' might still be an honest person, but someone accepting a salary while refusing to do their job, is far worse in my opinion.

ICAC’s Megan Latham covers up Mafia $2.2 million judicial bribe & other corruption

Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Commissioner Megan Latham is refusing to answer questions regarding alleged corrupt conduct by herself and ICAC. Ms Latham and ICAC have covered up judicial bribery which includes a $2.2 million bribe by the Mafia as reported last week by Fairfax Media and the ABC’s Four Corners program.

Megan Latham, who is a former NSW Supreme Court and District Court Judge, has refused to investigate numerous allegations of judicial bribery in NSW.

Ms Latham and ICAC have also failed to have someone from interstate investigate the alleged judicial corruption. Protocol and precedent say that an interstate person should have been brought in for the investigation given Megan Latham is an ex judge and would know many of the judges that would be investigated. It must be noted that it is highly likely that at this stage Megan Latham would be a possible suspect as well.

The issues in this article are not complex. Megan Latham and ICAC have an obligation to investigate when public servants like judges take bribes. There have been mainstream articles saying that NSW judges took bribes totalling $2.2 million.

If the Mafia bribed NSW judges $2.2 million in one matter how much is the total amount that NSW judges are taking in bribes per year? $10 Million? $20 Million? $100 Million?

There is a powerful prima facie case to have Megan Latham charged with the criminal offences of attempting to pervert the course of justice and concealment of a serious indictable offence.

I wrote to ICAC and Megan Latham asking questions for this article and the reply as per below was that my working title was defamatory and they would not answer the questions. That is a stock standard type of reply for people who are caught out acting corruptly and have no answers to justify their actions.

Mafia bribe NSW judges $2.2 Million and ICAC do nothing

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Re: Satan Worshipping Police Sergeant Suspended

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Police Integrity Commission to Be Scrapped

I've written to Police Minister Troy Grant a couple of times recently. The first reply from his office was a joke. I'd complained about being unlawfully arrested, and convicted of a false allegation. His office wrote back to me advising me to make sure I paid the fine, so I didn't end up in more trouble with the law!

My next letter, showing that I had a blog on the net showing examples of police and court corruption did get some action. He forwarded it to the Attorney General. However, she'd been ignoring me and still is, so that didn't achieve any result for me either, nor halt what was going on.

After the Police Integrity Commission decline my first complaint as being too trivial for them, I'd email them every time another local cop acted corruptly towards me, or harrassed me. In the end, the PIC was begging me to stop emailing them. What a joke they were.

I am surprised though that the 'Honourable" Mr Grant didn't advise me of the new place for us to be able to complain about police.

Police Integrity Commission to Be Scrapped

A new police watchdog will be created by the state government, doing away with the much-maligned Police Integrity Commission and police division of the Ombudsman.

In the biggest change to police oversight in 20 years, Deputy Premier and Police Minister Troy Grant announced a new Law Enforcement Conduct Commission on Thursday following a review by former shadow attorney-general Andrew Tink.

The new commission will become the sole body responsible for detecting and investigating serious misconduct and corruption among police and overseeing complaints handling.

It will also oversee the NSW Crime Commission, which investigates serious and organised crime.

Critical incidents, which are fatal or near-fatal incidents that involve police, will still be investigated by police but their work will be monitored by the LECC as part of its oversight functions.

"The current oversight system has multiple agencies with overlaps and duplication of roles and functions," Mr Grant said.

"We need to fix it because it is causes confusion and a lack of certainty for those who complain and the officials complained about."

The PIC was set up in 1996 after the Wood royal commission exposed endemic corruption within the police. However, it has been criticised in recent years for being overly secret, pursuing questionable investigations and wasting scarce resources.

"Police officers lost faith in the PIC for a long period of time," said Police Association president Scott Weber, who called the change "a new era in police oversight".

Clive Small, a former NSW deputy commissioner, said the PIC ruined the careers and reputations of officers, sometimes without ever substantiating claims or allowing its methods to be scrutinised.

"They have kept things secret, they have been found to have been wrong on a number of matters and yet they still refuse to accept the findings of the inspector," he said. "There was a lack of trust because of the way they went about things."

He said the PIC was established for the right reasons but it became obsessed with finding "big scalps", despite the Wood royal commission rooting out most of the significant corruption.

"After a couple of years they couldn't find investigations that would give them high-profile results and that became frustrating to them.

"They were still looking for the hard and nasty stuff rather than saying, 'We've come a long way, our investigations need to be more refined, subtle things... that can be done to improve the performance and behaviour of police'."

The PIC has been criticised for some of its investigative methods during the long-running investigation into the bugging of innocent police officers' phones over a decade ago. ... l8y9r.html
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Re: Satan Worshipping Police Sergeant Suspended

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The NSW Police Force are puppets of the Synagogue of Satan.

Government is Organized Crime. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. UCC 1-308
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