Jacksonwall Real Estate - horrors

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Jacksonwall Real Estate - horrors

Post by SteveW »

Jacksonwall Real Estate send their employees out to Key Cars in car parks in the Southern Highlands.
Please if you see anyone from this disgusting Real Estate doing the wrong thing in public report it to police.
They’ve been reported to police this week for their behavior.
They are an extremely unprofessional Real Estate who are lazy and do nothing to help people, only want the $$$ and to rip people off.
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Re: Jacksonwall Real Estate send their employees out to Key Cars

Post by mitch »

Elouise loves keying people's vehicle when you give Jacksonwall a bad review.

Everyone in the southern highlands and especially Moss Vale area please be careful of a woman from Jacksonwall Moss Vale who keys cars with her work pens and other things.

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Rev. Chris Roubis
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Re: Jacksonwall Real Estate send their employees out to Key Cars

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

· Reply · 6d · Edited
Makayla Bain
Makayla Bain
Makayla and 190 others joined Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community!
Highly do NOT recommend Jackson Wall. 🤬
· Reply · 16h
Yvette Morris
Yvette Morris
Yvette and 190 others joined Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community!
Yes they are fuckwits..
Not professional at all and they just try and screw ppl over.. i fort them in court and won.. but omg the bs & drama they course b4 it went to court was beyond ridiculous
· Reply · 6h
Stephy Lou
Stephy Lou
Stephy and 3 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia.
Good on you for speaking out Yvette 🙁 that’s horrible. Yes , the women there are such trouble and drama queens .
· Reply · 5h
Yvette Morris
Yvette Morris
Yvette and 190 others joined Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community!
I still have few issues but not worth the drama to sort it out.. i got my $$ back so i just walked away and let them keep my stuff
· Reply · 4h
Stephy Lou
Stephy Lou
Stephy and 3 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia.
Yvette Morris are you kidding? They’re so horrible sounds like they’ve done the same to you as they have tried to do to me?! Omg! That’s so awful sorry to hear
· Reply · 4h · Edited
Yvette Morris
Yvette Morris
Yvette and 190 others joined Name Shame Blame - Southern Highlands NSW Australia within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome into your community!
Stephy Lou it was actually the owner that stole my stuff and dumped it at the tip.. but still the real estate will not help me they saif basically i deserved it bcoz i breached my lease.. well i had to leave as i was bashed by my ex and had to get out.. the real estate said they did not want me in the house as it was not safe for me.. but wanted to take my bond $$ cause i breached lease..(was not my choice.. i loved that house and living where i was i miss it lots) but they let my ex out of everything scot free.. cause they were scared of him..b
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