Dr Nestor Lalak urology Bowral - Dr Death

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Dr Nestor Lalak urology Bowral - Dr Death

Post by toni »

Anyone else have any botched up operations or negative experiences from Dr Nestor Lalak in bowral.

I had a friend years ago whose husband had died, shortly after getting a kydney stone removed, he suffered from internal bleeding after one of Dr Nestor Lalak's operations.

I even helped inform the Medical Board about it. The lady at the Medical Board mentioned of many complaints they received over the years about Dr Nestor Lalak.

Unfortunately he is still practicing as a urologist specialist in bowral.

Dr Lalak is one of those untouchable people, and gets away with killing patients, because he is part of the same tribe, that run our governments and Industries.

I was in the waiting room the other day. A lady just left seeing him, shes on the phone telling someone that she just paid over $200 to tell her, he doesn't know whats wrong.

the two receptionists were giggling about it, like its an ongoing thing in there.

If you local GP refers you to Dr Nestor Lalak, make sure to get him to refer you to someone else.
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Re: Dr Nestor Lalak botched up urology operations

Post by creampie »

I spoke to a Doctor of mine about Dr Lalak.

My Doc said he had a patient once that had a cancer growth on one of his kidneys.

He referred him to Dr Nestor Lalak.

Dr Nestor Lalak took a look at the scans (x-rays) and said, "I don't see anything, if I don't see it, then its not there.) :-o

My Doc doesn't refer his patients to Dr Nestor Lalak no more :-bd

How is this Dr Lalak still allowed to be a doctor..
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Rev. Chris Roubis
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Re: Dr Nestor Lalak urology Bowral - the butcher

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

the amount of complaints from the medical board, should tell you he is untouchable, so if he is unregulated, then you have no protection at all.
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