The Corrupt and Fake News of the Southern Highlands News

Defying Defamation for exposing the zionist criminals in Wingecarribee Shire Council. All articles have been copied and pasted from social media pages without permission.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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The Corrupt and Fake News of the Southern Highlands News

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

The Fake News of the Southern Highlands News & Highlands News.
Have you ever noticed how the Southern Highland News & Highlands News NEVER reports on the mismanagement and dysfunction of Wingecarribee Shire Council? We suffer one of the most corrupt councils in Australia, but when it comes to the biggest newspaper in the Highlands, the editor refuses to publish anything negative about our local government.
When the Minister for Local Government initiated a Performance Improvement Order against our council in 2020, the Southern Highland News failed to properly report on the matter, and the only real reporting was done by WIN News, and a number of local FB pages. The Illawarra’s WIN News doesn’t even have an outlet in the Southern Highlands.
When Ann Prendergast was sacked as the general manager due to incompetence and maladministration, the Southern Highland News published a fluff piece about her and her time at the WSC. Indeed, she was given a get out of jail free card after the pathetic role she played in making our council the laughing stock of NSW.
And just when you think the Southern Highland News can’t stoop any lower in misrepresenting local news, Jackie Meyers has just written an obituary about Charlie Johns that is absolute nonsense.
In attempting to rewrite history, Jackie Meyers has treated our community with the greatest contempt. Apart from stating obvious facts like Johns’ date of birth and where he originated from, Meyers’ obituary is a complete fabrication. She’s lying to us.
Charlie Johns wasn’t a community champion as Meyers’ headline states on the front page of the today’s paper. He was a dodgy businessman, a bully, a thug, and a man who consorted with likeminded members of our community (some of whom are long-term councillors).
And the fact that Meyers has included comments in the article by one of the most dishonest and disreputable councillors of all time, is further testament that the owners of the Southern Highland News look upon its readers as a bunch of morons who are easily fed fake information; hook, line and sinker.
The Southern Highland News is telling you lies to protect a small clique of people who run this town. It’s as simple as that.
The paper’s not even willing to properly report about our council being officially investigated by the state government (for long-term entrenched corruption). It’s treating the people of the Highlands like mugs, and drip feeding us no news while happily taking the money from its advertisers with the promise that circulation will increase (it won’t, and today, the SHN has less readers on a percentage basis than at anytime since its inception in 1958).
If you read the Southern Highland News, you’re contributing to misinformation being peddled throughout our community.
If you advertise with the paper, you’re paying money towards an enterprise that doesn’t have the best interests of your customers at heart.
If you’re being showcased in the paper for community endeavours, you’re helping promote an organisation that covers up everything that’s wrong with the Highlands, especially our toxic and dysfunctional council.
The Southern Highland News is keeping certain matters secret in our community, and in doing so, it’s protecting a handful of dodgy operators in the Highlands, while mostly ignoring the best interests of its 50,000 residents.
At a time when Murdoch’s News Corp and Fox News is being exposed for fomenting right-wing insurrectionist dogma throughout the world, it’s not so far-fetched to categorically state: the Southern Highlands News is feeding its community fake news and constant misinformation.
And it’s relying on a community that’s ignorant and apathetic. Behind closed doors, the talk at the Southern Highland News is: the readers of our paper are too stupid to complain, so we can continue to feed them BS.
If you want to hear the truth about Charlie Johns and his twenty-year stranglehold of our local government, head over to the Defying Defamation FB page. In the coming weeks, I’ll be exposing the real Johns for all world to see. And it’ll be backed up with detailed evidence in the form of documents, pictures, council meeting minutes, news reports and my own first hand experience in trying to hold Johns to account as an investigative journalist.
The Southern Highland News operates behind a paywall, so I’ve included the obituary of Charlie Johns below –
Southern Highlands businessman Charlie Johns passed away on January 10.
Born December 3, 1945, he had only recently marked his 75th birthday.
To say that Charlie was passionate about his community and a strong campaigner for matters close to his heart would be an understatement.
He held many roles in the community over the years including Mittagong Chamber of Commerce president, Southern Highlands Ratepayers' Association secretary, Southern Highlands Arts and Recreation Kommittee (SHARK) secretary, an active supporter of the Kollege of Knowledge for Kids Kommittee (4Ks), and a Tulip Time committee member.
Charlie was a also key campaigner against the demolition of Mittagong Bowling Club and a driving force behind The Stop Environmental Vandalism (Saving Mittagong Bowling Club), a sub-committee of the Mittagong Chamber of Commerce. He was also an avid council watcher.
Football was also a great interest of Charlie. He was a member and staunch supporter of the Bowral Blacks Rugby Club and a dedicated supporter of the Cronulla Sharks Rugby League Club having spent his youth growing up in Cronulla.
His friends and colleagues have remembered Charlie especially for his dedication to the community and strength of character that saw him fight through the many challenges of his illness over the past six years.
Bowral Blacks president Mark Freund said he was sad to hear of Charlie's passing, but knew he had battled for a long time.
"He was part of our 'Old Boys' that did a lot for the club including setting up for our junior and senior home games," he said.
"Charlie did a lot for our club and he wanted nothing in return. He would be there a 7am to clean down the balcony, put out the bins and do what ever else was needed for our home games.
"We owe him a lot for what he did. He will be sorely missed."
Saddened by the passing of a friend, Nick Campbell-Jones spoke on behalf of The Table of No Knowledge (TONK) a group of good friends, including Charlie, who gather regularly for coffee and a banter on many topics including sport, politics, local politics and generally give support to each other.
The group members pay a fee with each meeting matched by Coffee Culture owner Chris Peterson which is donated to the 4Ks each year.
"Charlie Johns has left us after a long battle with cancer. He was uncomplaining in the face of a lousy time," Nick said.
"Charlie had a big heart and continued with his life and never gave in when most of us would have surrendered.
"Charlie was very community-minded and involved himself in a wide range of community events. He was happy for a stoush if necessary!
"His big heart extended to helping anyone for whatever they needed. His energy was incredible which means he helped a lot of people.
"We of the 'Table of No Knowledge' (TONK) will be poorer for his passing. A lot of people, family and those who loved him will miss him."
Charlie is survived by his wife Liz, a son and two grandchildren.
Due to covid-19 restrictions Charlie will be farewelled in an invitation-only service for family and close friends.
Prior to his passing Charlie requested donations be made to Can Assist in lieu of flowers.
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