The LowLifes of the Lowlands

Defying Defamation for exposing the zionist criminals in Wingecarribee Shire Council. All articles have been copied and pasted from social media pages without permission.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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The LowLifes of the Lowlands

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

The LowLifes of the Lowlands
The thing you're gonna always find
When crooks are getting caught
They're not about to sit around
And end up doing naught
They're gonna turn on anyone
Accusing them of crime
And everyone exposing them
(Like mud) they're gonna slime
Just look at Rongawannabe
The council crooks, I mean
Corruption has been rampant
Like this place has never seen
These councillors, well most of them
Are crooked to the core
And Lowlanders, all sick to death
Can't take it any more
So when a local blow-in starts
Exposing all the crooks
(The very politicians
Who are fudging all the books)
These rorters of communities
The ones all on the take
(They’re gonna turn like they've been cut
They'll fight back like a snake)
They'll start by spreading rumours
Their accuser's name is mud
And hunt them down just like a hound
That's baying for some blood
Besmirching their accusers
Slinging mud until it sticks
These crooked politicians
Use a bunch of dirty tricks
They dredge up people's history
All the persons who accuse
And paint them black
Because the crooks have all so much to lose
They'll screech and they will also hiss
Like cats within a cage
You shine a light on any crook
They're sure to be enraged
They're gonna fight up till the death
Protecting all their crime
And anyone exposing them
They're gonna always slime
Cause that's how crooked pollies work
When held up to account
The biggest battle that you've ever seen
They're gonna mount
So Lowlanders, we have to circle wagons
Rally round
Too long we’ve let these crooked politicians
Run our town
And even though the councillors
Are all a bunch of crims
If we don't start exposing them
Corruption always wins!
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