Barry Paull should be in jail, and not just for attacking journalists.

Defying Defamation for exposing the zionist criminals in Wingecarribee Shire Council. All articles have been copied and pasted from social media pages without permission.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Barry Paull should be in jail, and not just for attacking journalists.

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

Barry Paull should be in jail, and not just for attacking journalists.
He's directly responsible for our council being the most corrupt shire in Australia.

A local journalist attached with the Sydney-based LattéLife newspaper has been physically attacked by the acting general manager of the Wingecarribee Shire Council.
Police have been contacted, but there’s very little likelihood the local precinct will properly investigate the matter due to entrenched corruption at Hume PD and its ongoing protection of corrupt councillors and senior managers at WSC.
Adam Greenwood reports –
As a local journalist exposing corruption in the Highlands for the last 6 years, I know what it's like to be set upon by crooked officials. In 2017, Barry Paull abused me for taking his picture outside the council chambers. He said the usual malarky: “You’re not allowed to take my photo without my permission” and “I’m going to call the police and have you charged for taking my photo”.
Once he’d called the police, he started filming me so that he’d have footage of me taking his photo.
How absurd, I thought at the time.
Barry Paull's telling me it’s illegal to take photos of him, and then he starts taking pictures of me (including video).
Long before the LattéLife brigade were sending their troops into war zones, I was attempting to hold Barry Paull and Co to account, and copping some serious flak.
But there was no hue and cry from the masses about Barry attacking me – simply for doing my job as a journalist.
When the well-known criminal, Charlie Johns, had me charged for stalking and intimidation because I’d exposed him for corruption in my role as a journalist, there was no baying for Charlie’s blood.
When I was convicted based on Charlie’s false and misleading statements to local police, there was no one in the community shouting from the roof tops in protest.
The silence was deafening.
Barry Paull’s assault of a Sydney based journalist is abuse of power at its very worst. Barry has always been known as a thug and a bully, and his role as a senior manager at Wingecarribee Shire has always been compromised by his arrogance and his sense of entitlement.
He wasn’t going to let some pesky LattéLife journalist take his picture, and so yesterday he assaulted them. And now it’s the talk of the town.
Four years ago, I was doing my utmost to alert the community about Barry Paull and his corruption.
But no one was listening.
And then in 2018 when I was stitched up on fraudulent charges for simply doing my job as a journalist, the community was mute and the silence was deafening.
If this is the end of Barry Paull, then the beginning of the end came when I started taking Barry’s photo back in 2017.
But journalism is a thankless job when you’re a freelancer.
Luckily, I’m not in it for the money, I’m in it for the Highlands.
And I actually live in the Wingecarribee Shire.
Barry Paull should be in jail, and not just for attacking journalists. .jpg
Barry Paull should be in jail, and not just for attacking journalists. .jpg (212.68 KiB) Viewed 4079 times
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