What you can't see, isn't happening right? wrong!
They neglect their dogs and cat so badly, that they decided to erect a great wall on my 6 ft fence in early 2016, to stop me looking at the neglect, and calling RSPCA.. again and again and again......

At least one good thing came out of the last call I made to RSPCA.. they eventually ordered the New Berrima Store to build an appropriate and safe enclosure for their 2 neglected dogs.
The Store's backyard was a mine field of dangers. No one would let their children walk into their yard.
7 damaged rusted vehicles that his daughters had wrecked, were dumped all over the place.
Old Appliances and white goods dumped everywhere.
Thrown out building material including asbestos all over the backyard.
My Dog till this day continues to dig up asbestos pieces out of the ground, near the fence line next to the Store.
But don't worry, it is all Council approved, thanks to his zionist ties to Wingecarribee Shire Council of criminals.
Thanks to my many calls to RSPCA, even they forced the Store owners to clean up their act because it was way too dangerous for the dogs. The Store owners should be thanking me.
You can tell a person by the way they treat animals.
![On the phone :)]](./images/smilies/100.gif)
No basic water, food, flea control or even basic medical treatment for very bad skin conditions etc.
You can read more on that here. viewtopic.php?f=41&t=1894