New Berrima Karens General Store Review

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New Berrima Karens General Store Review

Post by creampie »

Racist Geoff Hanratty the dodgy builder works for Rawson Homes in NSW Australia. Karen Hanratty Geoff Hanratty and hisbloodline run a business in New Berrima called, Karens General Store, also known as New Berrima Post Office.

The Hanratty family in New Berrima are famous for their treacherous attacks on their neighbours over the years.. also well known for their run down business, due to poor management skills (arrogance, rudness, usury of staff, dishonesty, environmental criminals) and their illegal activities. Anyone that stands up to them (contacting EPA, the Police or Wingecaribee Council), will be terrorised, harassed, intimidated, mentally abused and stalked on a daily basis. Even their Youngest child helps with their evil deeds... not surprising.

More info here:
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