it funny

Michael Darby & Vanessa Darby Notorious Sexual Predators Stalkers & Neighbourhood Peeping Tom.. Part of the New Berrima Store family of zionist criminals.
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it funny

Post by anonymous 1 »

how much people talk about this site on ch 3 all day ever day and night lol
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Re: it funny

Post by TEMPEST »

Maybe if they stop dishing shit to people, and dropping carriers so no one can reply to them, no one would have to write stuff about them online.
I reckon the owner of these forums should start charging them to view it =))

Stewart Gardner mentioned on MTG06 that VMG03 logs and records everything on ch 3.

If any lawyer listened to those recording on any day or night, he would have a field day of taking almost all operators to court for defamation.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones 8-}
Communist Zionist dictum- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of."
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