New Berrima Store - NO BASIC FOOD SAFETY!

Most Corrupt Council in NSW Australia... supporting their Zionist families and friends... they all cover each others backside...all the way up to the Federal Government.
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Rev. Chris Roubis
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New Berrima Store - NO BASIC FOOD SAFETY!

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

New Berrima Store - NO BASIC FOOD SAFETY!

Copy & Paste from facebook.

How can anyone open up a take away joint, and yet not be aware of BASIC FOOD SAFETY.
Twice frozen chicken, first frozen raw, then frozen cooked after sitting in a pie oven for couple of hours of the day. THEN to top it off... that double frozen hot to cold cooked chicken is stuffed in a roll with lettuce & mayo be sold to the regulars...that's you BLUE STEEL workers in Berrima. Now I don't need to mention names but I'm guessing everyone can put 2 & 2 together.
Now if you don't get sick from the just might from the tub of mayo that sits open outside the fridge weeks ...and months on end.

Walk in there and go to the grocery section of the shop. Look up and there's massive hole in the roof. A HOLE!!! My old job, we got done for having floor lino coming away from the walls. This place is falling apart from inside out

That tub of mayo that sits on rotten floor boards... mind your step that you don't fall through on your way to the bathroom.
The rotten floor boards that keep the dog dry because its cloudy outside and it might rain. Not a guide dog either.

Now how on earth has such an establishment stayed open?
And I haven't even finished my list yet...

They have a 4 star rating by the Local food authority??
Don't know how that can be.
uncovered chicken and food in fridge to cool.jpg
uncovered chicken and food in fridge to cool.jpg (69.26 KiB) Viewed 6374 times
open dog food can, with uncovered left overs.

Defrosting raw meat, seafood on bench they make rolls and sandwiches to order.jpg
Defrosting raw meat, seafood on bench they make rolls and sandwiches to order.jpg (132.92 KiB) Viewed 6374 times
Defrosting raw meat, seafood on bench they make rolls and sandwiches to order.
Mayo stored in back room, not in fridges.jpg
Mayo stored in back room, not in fridges.jpg (58.31 KiB) Viewed 6374 times
Mayo stored in back room, not in fridges
half used tub of mayo.jpg
half used tub of mayo.jpg (45.49 KiB) Viewed 6374 times
half used tub of mayo
no dates on any food..jpg
no dates on any food..jpg (71.36 KiB) Viewed 6374 times
No expiry dates on any foods.

Cooking Out of date food
Out of date food in the freezer..jpg
Out of date food in the freezer..jpg (92.02 KiB) Viewed 6374 times
Re-using cracked broken plastic takeaway containers. Washed over and over again.jpg
Re-using cracked broken plastic takeaway containers. Washed over and over again.jpg (26.45 KiB) Viewed 6374 times
Re-using cracked broken plastic takeaway containers. Washed over and over again

food defrosting on top of each other..jpg
food defrosting on top of each other..jpg (69.91 KiB) Viewed 6373 times
more food defrosting on top of each other
Dog pen in the back store room..jpg
Dog pen in the back store room..jpg (67.42 KiB) Viewed 6371 times
dog.jpg (57.42 KiB) Viewed 6371 times
I am a Spartan by blood.. Biblical tribes Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtal, Thessalonians, Manasseh etc... were Aegean Greek semite tribes. ^:)^ You know your vibration is high when animals & children are naturally drawn to you.
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Rev. Chris Roubis
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Re: New Berrima Store - NO BASIC FOOD SAFETY!

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

The Criminal and Corrupt, Denis Boulavine Environmental Health Officer.

Thank you for your report to Wingecarribee Shire Council (through the NSW Food Authority) regarding alleged food safety and hygiene issues at the New Berrima General Store. Complaints and reports assist Council to ensure that food sold in the shire is safe and hygienic.

Council’s authorised officer has investigated your complaint and would like to advise you that on this occasion there has been insufficient evidence to sustain any action against the business New Berrima General Store under the Food Act 2003. However, relevant issues raised by your complaint have been brought to the attention of the management of the business in question.

Your complaint has been recorded and will be reviewed by Council should new information become available which may to lead to enforcement action to ensure appropriate health standards. In accordance with the NSW privacy laws further details of the investigation cannot be provided to a third party and accordingly Council will not be able to provide this information to you.

Thank you again for bringing this matter to Council’s attention. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Denis Boulavine Environmental Health Officer
I am a Spartan by blood.. Biblical tribes Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtal, Thessalonians, Manasseh etc... were Aegean Greek semite tribes. ^:)^ You know your vibration is high when animals & children are naturally drawn to you.
✞ The "System" (Jew World Order) is crumbling ✞ (%) RENEGADE REPUBLICAN ORDER (%)
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