Wingecarribee Council & Charlie Johns

Most Corrupt Council in NSW Australia... supporting their Zionist families and friends... they all cover each others backside...all the way up to the Federal Government.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Wingecarribee Council & Charlie Johns

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

Another dirty trick of Charlie Johns is to use the word liberal in local political campaigns. During Grahame Andrews's bid for council in 2012, Charlie Johns used the tag line – Your liberal voice in the community.

Using liberal with a little "L" was a tactic to confuse conservative voters into voting for Andrews, who had no political affiliation at the time. Charlie and his criminal mates paid for Grahame's campaigns in 2012 and 2016, and Andrews has been voting as part of bloc ever since.

Last year I confronted Andrews about having Charlie Johns as his campaign manager during the 2012 elections (and caught him out big time) –

“How can you be part of a council that is so dysfunctional and corrupt,” I asked the councillor.

“I campaigned on honesty and integrity and my campaign was paid for by myself and my wife,” he replied.

“Then how come you had a crook like Charlie Johns as your campaign manager during the 2012 elections?”

“I didn’t know he was a crook back then.”

I’ve since found out the following. Not only was Charlie Johns the campaign manager for Andrews in 2016 – Grahame’s entire campaign was financed by Johns and his crooked cohorts. And once Grahame had been on council for 12 months (toeing the party line), the crooks sent him on an all expenses paid cruise to Europe for ONE MONTH.

Grahame Andrews is a three-times bankrupted businessman who had never been overseas in 65 years. Then all of a sudden, he can afford to go on a $30,000 holiday abroad.

The cruise (for him and his wife) was actually paid for by criminal elements in this shire.

More to follow on Councillor Andrews – coming soon.
Charlie Johns & Corrupt Wingecarribee Council.jpg
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