New Berrima Store ASBESTOS walls and ceilings

Department of Health issues. Food Authority issues. Occupational health and Safety issues. An illegal business kept afloat because of Wingecarribee Shire Council's nepotism.
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Rev. Chris Roubis
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New Berrima Store ASBESTOS walls and ceilings

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

New Berrima Store - ASBESTOS walls and ceilings all falling apart.

Look at the outside and inside of the New Berrima Store's asbestos walls and ceilings all falling apart.

If this store was on any other Council ground, they would of been stopped from running a business 20 years ago. :-s

Years ago when we bought 3 lots ( #23 & #25 argyle st ) next door to the store, the Store fence line needed to go back 3 feet, because Geoff Hanratty illegally made his property larger... now whenever my dog digs up the ground near the Store fence line, he finds pieces of the Store's asbestos... since the council don't care, I just send it back to its rightful owners. 8-x

Because of Wingecarribee Shire Council's nepotism, this BIOHAZARD store is still happily running. :ymsick:

This is an Australia Post local agent that is approved by Auspost thanks to Wingecarribee Shire Council's nepotism. [-(

Wingecarribee Shire Council even allow illegal parking in the middle of the road to make it easy for customers to hop out of the car... where else is this legal ? $-) more info here: ... =35&t=1760

They get tax exemptions you couldn't even imagine.. even use their 2 tiny dogs to get guard dog tax exemptions.

Store owners are even allowed to block footpath access to the public.. try blocking any footpath anywhere else with tables and chairs, and you get fined by council... even if you own a store, bar or restaurant.

The Store cannot even offer basic food safety.. but wingecarribee shire council of criminals says its up to standard =))
Heres a link for more info: ... =41&t=2411

They have been paying all their staff for years under the table, tax free. Allowing their family staff to get the dole (welfare benefits) while they work at the store 8 hours a day

Just look at this photo below showing you the state of the New Berrima Store from behind.. it says it all about the criminals at Wingecarribee Shire Council.
New Berrima Store - ASBESTOS walls and ceilings.jpg
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Re: New Berrima Store ASBESTOS walls and ceilings

Post by mitch »

Wingecarribee Shire Councilor Ian Scandrett still stone walling on a centerline on Argyle Street New Berrima, Just to accommodate illegal parking in the middle of the road... for New Berrima Store's customers.

No other NSW Council would allow parking in the middle of a road. You would get fined.. but not at his pals New Berrima Store.

Not one Highway Patrol or Parking officer has ever visited the area in 20 years, to book illegal parking in the middle of the road. :ymdevil:
They have orders not to, by the crooked Wingecarribee Councilors

Even Wingecaribbe Shire Council vehicles park in the middle of the road.
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Re: New Berrima Store ASBESTOS walls and ceilings

Post by Admin »

Have a good look at the Store's Solar panels installed on every side of their roof, from top to bottom.
This is not a NSW Government standard installation... very illegal.
Energy Australia (Endeavour Australia) need to inspect the illegal installation.
But don't you worry, Wingecarribee Shire Council have their back as always. Making sure any investigation is swept under the rug.
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Re: New Berrima Store ASBESTOS walls and ceilings

Post by Admin »

Someone needs to investigate how the New Berrima Store owners got a Development Application approved so easily, at 102-104 Argyle Street New Berrima... They gonna build a Petrol station on (corner of Taylor Avenue and Argyle Street New Berrima)

They already own the New Berrima Store that has been fully supported for 20 years by the crooked Wingecarribee Council.
Any other NSW Council would never allow this business to continue.

more info here: ... =41&t=3106

Geoff Hanratty was out today extending the property boundaries with spray paint markings on the road.

Looks like Wingecarribee Shire Council are going to give him all the council front footpath and part of the road... (as much as he wants again)
Just like they gave him the council road for his New Berrima store.

Don't you just love your own business to be overly supported 1000% by Wingecarribee Shire Council :ymdevil:
Unfortunately this is just the tip of the iceberg with Wingecarribee Shire Council of zionists.

When your part of the satanic Zionist tribe, like Geoff Hanratty is, you don't need to donate thousands of dollars to Wingecarribee Shire Council to get your Development Application looked at..
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Re: New Berrima Store ASBESTOS walls and ceilings

Post by mitch »

Have you guys seen that disgusting fuel bowser that leaks fuel all down onto the concrete base, and down into the soil daily. :-s

Wingecarribee Shire Council think this biohazard mess is nothing to worry about.. its very environmentally friendly :ymdevil:

Geoff Hanratty gets the pressure washer and pushes it all onto the neighbours driveways to walk on.
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Re: New Berrima Store ASBESTOS walls and ceilings

Post by toni »

When your part of the Wingecarribee Shire Council Kosher ✡ Mafia, you are set for life. :-s
Goulburn Police (Hume LAC) (Southern Highlands Local) obey to your every command.
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