Syrian‬ ‪families‬ ‪cooking‬ ‪leaves‬ to ‪survive‬

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Syrian‬ ‪families‬ ‪cooking‬ ‪leaves‬ to ‪survive‬

Postby creampie » Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:10 pm

Syrian‬ ‪families‬ ‪cooking‬ ‪leaves‬ to ‪survive‬.. while the Jew World Order keeps destroying the country with their proxy regimes to take it over.

Proxy regimes = CIA, MI6, SAS, Mossad, = all of them dressing up as islamic terrorists to destabilize the country and then Jewmerica can take it over, in the false name of freedom and democracy.
#‎Syrian‬ ‪#‎families‬ ‪#‎cooking‬ ‪#‎leaves‬ to ‪#‎survive‬.. while the Jew World Order keeps destroying the country with their proxy regimes.jpg
#‎Syrian‬ ‪#‎families‬ ‪#‎cooking‬ ‪#‎leaves‬ to ‪#‎survive‬.. while the Jew World Order keeps destroying the country with their proxy regimes.jpg (38.45 KiB) Viewed 2507 times
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